The Opposite of Heavenly

The Opposite of Heavenly

A Story by hope.

Eternal reoccurance. (: a free write based on the idea of Groundhog's Day.
From A Late December Afternoon

From A Late December Afternoon

A Poem by fatgreycat

Lyrics to an old song
so close to you...

so close to you...

A Poem by Princy

A random poem that struck me.
A Lost Meadow of Heaven

A Lost Meadow of Heaven

A Story by Deepshikha

A little girl remembers the day before her daddy died. How she spent her last minutes in heaven. Based on Meadows of Heaven by Nightwish.
I Looked at Her, and She Looked at Me

I Looked at Her, and She Looked at Me

A Story by ColinKarr

I felt like writing a story, which I usually don't, so I thought I might as well do a romance since I usually don't do that either.