Tags : Empathy



A Poem by Liana

Hungry mouths to feed. Feeding the soul… The mind… My creativity so my hand can move… My actual stomach… a..


A Story by RFDIII

I see etched in faces the hurt.Of long, tragic lives all desert.The cases, and paces, of sorrow burnt steppes,The cases of old, wretched, and inept.We..
side by side

side by side

A Poem by luviva

this is about the inequality that is in the world...
troubles and ridiculous thoughts

troubles and ridiculous thoughts

A Poem by cl8thegr8

deeply movedby this unnamed feelingthat turns to effortand lingers in theback of my memoryalways therealways willingto force me to dosome things that ..
The Connoisseur Of Truth

The Connoisseur Of Truth

A Poem by Lushiro

My path in the realistic spirituality.
A call for help, Understand

A call for help, Understand

A Poem by Counteract Your Mind

how i feel generally
Express, but Don't Feel

Express, but Don't Feel

A Poem by Mrs MelRose

Express, but Don’t Feel How can you tell about a feeling That has never been yours How can you tell about a cave That you ne..
My Spirit Sighs

My Spirit Sighs

A Poem by Sheila Kline

My spirit sighs for those who are hurting in a world filled with pain and sorrow. I pray for them!
Ode to a Karma Cannibal

Ode to a Karma Cannibal

A Poem by Zoe Jay

We all live on the energy of others Smiles from strangers on the street Tears on the shoulder of a friend Charity from a faceless government ..
The Heart of Another

The Heart of Another

A Poem by Jack Cassidy

Empathizing with others...
August 28, 2013: Thicker Skin

August 28, 2013: Thicker Skin

A Chapter by Marie Anzalone

In Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time," awkward adolescent character Meg is told, about the gifts she has that she can use to fight, "Meg, I give ..
Viva La Pope Francis !  Viva la UnConditioanl Love !

Viva La Pope Francis ! Viva la UnConditioanl Love..

A Story by Easter3

One can really Discover what their Core Beliefs are when defending a Friend's religion.
From Pain to Empathy

From Pain to Empathy

A Poem by Subversive Reality

Oh how to journey inside, The sly signs decide direction, Intrepid explorer, to hasten The plummet into word world Plinth marking shouldered burden Of..
The Radio

The Radio

A Story by Evie McFarland

A janitor observes the interactions between three teenagers who refuse to go home. This story explores the inability to communicate and the burden of ..