Chapter 3 - Not the Best Start

Chapter 3 - Not the Best Start

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine goes to Hex Academy for the first day. It isn't exactly how she imagined her day would start off as, but what a first day she ends up having..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine has a rough time accepting some of the rules of Hex Academy, but gets a lesson in what she can really do with the mysterious Hex Driver she ..
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine attends class after a practice session with her new rival Claire. The class hits the tip of the iceberg as to what she is actually able to d..
Chapter 6 - Real Trouble

Chapter 6 - Real Trouble

A Chapter by Stewart

When trouble strikes Hex Academy, Katherine and Claire team up to start figuring things out. It isn't until the teacher gives them a hint as to what m..
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine begins to find a lot out about Hex Island. She discovers the message of the killer, decides to go for a huge hike, and finds another reason ..
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Stewart

The murders won't stop, and Katherine wants to get justice.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine gets all of her answers. The terrible secret about the Hex Driver and it's company is out!
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by Stewart

Finding an escape is difficult, but the team agrees on a plan. And as much as Simon hates it, he goes with it. Katherine learns that she can do more t..
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine makes a giant decision.
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by Stewart

When it isn't as pleasant being home as she thought, Katherine devises a plan to make sure he friends are alright. Even if that means going to ground ..
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by Stewart

Katherine finds one of her friends. But it might be too late.
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

A Chapter by Stewart

In the final chapter of Hex Driver, Katherine tries to save Claire. But it is after the fact that something new bothers her. At least she gets to go h..
Not Fair Miss you

Not Fair Miss you

A Poem by Mindy Kay

In Memory of the 20 year old Levi Stout. That was In a car wrack on Sunday November 2 2014. A Drunk driver ran in to Him and His younger sister. His s..
The Driver

The Driver

A Poem by Emily Feret

I am taking a poetry class and we had to close our eyes as our professor described a scene outside and we had to imagine a sound and scene and then wr..
The Battle on the Footplate

The Battle on the Footplate

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

They’d never got on before the dance And they certainly wouldn’t now, For Geoffrey Raise had showered praise On the Firem..
The Last 10-4

The Last 10-4

A Poem by MelissaAndres

Poem about a trucker and his feelings after a tragic accident.
A Little Nap

A Little Nap

A Poem by Sylvia Chika

A tale of a sleep-deprived driver...
Going to a Wonderland

Going to a Wonderland

A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

For a contest
Boiler Room

Boiler Room

A Chapter by Varianth

One errand leads to another.
In The Stands or Behind The Wheel

In The Stands or Behind The Wheel

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

An allegory about living life appose to being a spectator.