Tags : DANCE

When She shakes it

When She shakes it

A Chapter by Zeitgeist Manifesto

Shake it
Tap Shoes

Tap Shoes

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A dance poem.
That One Dance

That One Dance

A Poem by Mae Morales

The one dance that I had with a crush of mine
Moonlit Nights

Moonlit Nights

A Chapter by Desert Dreamer

Inspired by a dream...
Indie Dance Love

Indie Dance Love

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A belly dance poem.
Pink Angels

Pink Angels

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A nature haiku poem about flamingos.
Hurricane Ballerina

Hurricane Ballerina

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A dance poem.
Native Emotion

Native Emotion

A Poem by Johnny A. Rojas

Guidance for my son
Hangman's Gallows

Hangman's Gallows

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The hangman cometh, to the gallows oaken, the reapers awaken, to mend the broken. The mourners mourn, a soul that was scorn.
Barefooted Enthusiast

Barefooted Enthusiast

A Poem by Wicahpi

in Rhopalic Verse
What an Age

What an Age

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

What an age, to be young and full of life, to live free with love and no strife. To dream a land of pure imagination, soaring on the wings of inspirat..
Our Swaying Embrace

Our Swaying Embrace

A Poem by Rose Phoenix

I feel that my positive poems aren't as strong as my negative ones. Let me know how I did in comparison. Thanks