Tags : CHILD

Sweet Baby Boy

Sweet Baby Boy

A Poem by A.Lee

for my son
Paths to Grace

Paths to Grace

A Book by

I scream everytime she hits me, but it seems that no one hears. Or maybe they don't care. I don't even hide the bruises, I leave them for the world to..
My Son

My Son

A Poem by A.Lee

My Son You didn’t grow inside of me I wasn’t there when you were born But my heart has attached itself to yours An..
Signed, T. Fairy

Signed, T. Fairy

A Poem by Christina May Shanaberg

Written for my oldest daughter, Charisma Suzanne (Shanaberg) Sullivan, on October 18, 1987; the day she lost her first tooth!
Time for Healing

Time for Healing

A Story by MissChild

Young, naive, innocent, yet now able to comprehend.


A Poem by Toribird

This is about a fight going on between my Aunt and Uncle and my Grandparents. Its gone from a family fight into a war.
Expecting "Our Love Thang"

Expecting "Our Love Thang"

A Poem by EboneeAlexis

The joy of becoming a parent.
Isabelle Leigh

Isabelle Leigh

A Poem by

A poem for my niece, oh goshers how I love her so!
The Shaken Innocent

The Shaken Innocent

A Story by Christina May Shanaberg

A story for the rash of mothers who are able to avoid prosecution for killing the innocents by means of "shaken baby syndrome," using the defense of p..
Mother's Love

Mother's Love

A Poem by Lucia Morgan

You left me first, i believe No kisses, no embraces, no smiles Silence Hatred We have no hope, i suspect A tear is shed Regret But no apol..
Subh Milis

Subh Milis

A Poem by C.J. Corcoran

This is an Irish poem I studied this year, by Seámas Ó Néill. As much as I despise poetry this has shown me the wonders that can ..