Tags Beaten
The Soul in Their SolesA Poem by Jared Michael SmithA little silly, but based on my true feelings. |
Off The Beaten Path?A Story by TheBurritoGamerShould you take the figurative "Path Less Beaten"? Should you take it? Should you? |
Wounded WarriorA Poem by SilentAuthorHe lays in the dead of night Wounded, broken and scarred His blood seeps onto the ground His armor in broken shards His metal of white is tarni.. |
Bound&GaggedA Poem by мalғyI might turn this into a poem with about 3 each telling a different part but who knows it all depends on how this one goes |
Finish Me.A Poem by ayejodieI am sat here, alone again.Feeling drained.I am empty,Yet my heart is heavy.I try to swallow the lump in my throat.Gather myself.Reluctantly, I catch .. |
Smoke TownA Poem by EmilyI don't feel safe in this town |
The ImmigrantA Story by Celie RoseA man in a foreign country struggles to survive. |
failure to complyA Poem by AeroThere's a moment where you gaze out of the window, and everyone on the other side drifts slowly out of sight. but the big picture remains unclear. |
Don't Forget About MeA Book by nursemomAmy Adams had always been the 'good girl', the virgin, and the girl most likely to succeed. That was until she met Jason. A boy that would be her und.. |
SSDDA Poem by MaryPoem about abuse, about being abused, yet not ready to leave. Poem about Limbo in abusive relationships |
Journal Entry 3A Poem by Joey NizzNever, not at any timeUnderestimate the measure and the quantity of your strength and power it needs to gather and pick your very own soul up off the .. |
Beaten Up Ugly TreeA Poem by OnlymeA beaten up,Twisted all specimenof a tree.With ugly branchesand a weather-beatenrotted wood as protectionfrom the storms in the pastand the ones comin.. |
THE GREATEST FATHER EVERA Poem by Richie KharisUnlike any other king, my father is the most powerful He can build a mansion in seconds still he chose to be humble He prefers giving to taking for.. |