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How can I find the serenity to accept the things I..A Story by Precious ProdigalPrecious Prodigal's Post for 01/14/2015 is at = http://bit.ly/14XxhDe Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with your Facebook friends. Want to rea.. |
HeroA Poem by Vidya BacchusAnother sappy one I guess |
Space FighterA Story by Nate FolgerA short short story I wrote. |
How can I not be envious of how happy other famili..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 21, 2014: How can I not be envious of how happy other families are? Please "Share" this post using "S.. |
What's wrong with trying to be the best I can be?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 22, 2014: What's wrong with trying to be the best I can be? Please "Share" using this "ShortLink" = h.. |
Is it my words or is it the intent behind the word..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's a new Precious Prodigal post: July 23, 2014 Is it my words or is it the intent behind the words that matters? #walkworthy #whostartedit Ple.. |
I didn’t mean what I said, or did I?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's a new Precious Prodigal post for July 24, 2014: I didn’t mean what I said, or did I? #openmouthinsertfoot Please "Share" using this "S.. |
How can I keep from losing heart when I love a pro..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for July 25, 2014: How can I keep from losing heart when I love a prodigal? #dontgiveup #Chekhovsgun Please "Shar.. |
Am I living in fear about what might happen tomorr..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for July 28, 2014: Am I living in fear about what might happen tomorrow? #justfortoday Please "Share" using this .. |
Are we hurting our prodigals by trying to help the..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for July 29, 2014: Are we hurting our prodigals by trying to help them? #letgoandletGod #notmyjob Please "Share" .. |
How can I hold fast my profession of faith when my..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for July 30, 2014: How can I hold fast my profession of faith when my heart is broken? #justholdon Please "Share".. |
Will I be faithful in the hard times, or will I wa..A Story by Precious ProdigalPrecious Prodigal post for July 31, 2014: Will I be faithful in the hard times, or will I walk away? #standfaithful #integrity Please "Share" using.. |
Can I trust Him in the fiery furnace when I don’..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 01, 2014: Can I trust Him in the fiery furnace when I don’t know outcome? #HesstillGod Please "S.. |
How can remembering the past help anyone?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 04, 2014: How can remembering the past help anyone? #thepromises #regrettingthepast Please "Share" usi.. |
How can it be good for me to be afflicted?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 05, 2014: How can it be good for me to be afflicted? #lessonlearned #onceburned Please "Share" using t.. |
How can I remember that growing is a process?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 06, 2014: How can I remember that growing is a process? #trustGod #progressnotperfection Please "Share.. |
How long do I have to carry this burden?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 07, 2014: How long do I have to carry this burden? #justfortoday #thistooshallpass Please "Share" usi.. |
How can it be well with my soul when my life is fa..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post-August 08, 2014: How can it be well with my soul when my life is falling apart? #trustGod #Godsgotthis Please "S.. |
Should I rejoice when karma comes to people who ha..A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 11, 2014: Should I rejoice when karma comes to people who have hurt me? #karma #agapelove Please "Shar.. |
How does remembering better times help me?A Story by Precious ProdigalHere's the Precious Prodigal post for August 12, 2014: How does remembering better times help me? #Godneverchanges #Godofthevalley Please "Share" u.. |