Tags : Anxious

Need More Helping Hands

Need More Helping Hands

A Poem by Lacha Young

My thoughts on how my life is probably going to turn out.


A Poem by Jay Steitler

"World's" smallest poem, yet wouldnt qualify as a haiku. Thought of quickly whilst pacing the kitchen.
so deep

so deep

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

a wandering thought
I could

I could

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

another meandering afterthought
Hate x Infinity

Hate x Infinity

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

struggles in her head
Paradoxical Truth

Paradoxical Truth

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

on conversations with ...
To long for death

To long for death

A Poem by Just Shlomo

A poem that courts the idea of being ready to die, without seeking death.
lied to you

lied to you

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

yes yes it is this
building castles

building castles

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

just popped into my head
You Can't Breathe, But Your Breathing

You Can't Breathe, But Your Breathing

A Story by Theresa Del Donna

Written May 7th, 2014 If you have anxiety you should definitely read this!
Tug and Pull

Tug and Pull

A Poem by Kaylee

These four blank wallshave been calling my nametugging and pulling at my brainNetflix doesn't help these burdening callsneither does my last cry of sh..


A Poem by ashley

The photo attached is a photo I took the other day at the park, It started to rain while I was under the willow tree and that is where I got the inspi..
too deep to fathom

too deep to fathom

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

Inspired by Frieda's SAY SOMETHING it isn't that simple, or is it?
How I just cannot describe it

How I just cannot describe it

A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. Voltaire
That Girl

That Girl

A Poem by gabiaimee

The importance of adjectives.
I Need

I Need

A Poem by gabiaimee

Icarus, Chapter 1: Twenty Nine Reasons

Icarus, Chapter 1: Twenty Nine Reasons

A Poem by gabiaimee

I had some trouble getting the words down on paper clearly.
Shattered Marbles

Shattered Marbles

A Poem by Lusus Naturae

Marbles break easy and without extreme heat, cannot be morphed. They are cold and tend to get lost and we find them in the darkest tunnels of our vent..