Tags : %23World



A Poem by R.L. Davenport

Lying in the mountains in black secretionsTechnological octopus and the hand that feeds themDevouring their prey, your souls and our fateYou better pr..


A Book by Kaitlyn Teagan

Oaklee Collins has never been likable. She's silent, hot-headed, and seems to only care about herself. So why is it that Elmira Thalass, a teacher who..
-A Poem for You

-A Poem for You

A Poem by M. B

Beauty cannotBe described with words,It's like a pearl keptWithin an oysterThat has its own shape; own size;Own twinkle on its translucent surface.Bea..
A meaningless story

A meaningless story

A Book by M

Throughout the passing decades, every hope was shattered. Each time humanity took a step further, it took two backwards... now, after the damage cause..


A Chapter by M

What has happened? Where did it all start? Where are we now? And who caused this? Us. "Us". Us? But of course, who else? - We start off the story with..

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