Tags : %23Suspense

Deadly Sins and Secrets

Deadly Sins and Secrets

A Book by Countrypunkin

This is a suspense with several twist and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end! Just when you think you have it all figured out I'll t..
The Shadow Hidden In The School

The Shadow Hidden In The School

A Story by saina1234

A teenage girl named Mary is cleaning the fields of her high school. When she is about to leave she doesn't expect a visitor. will this visitor harm h..
A Two Edged Sword

A Two Edged Sword

A Story by Haim Kadman

You may read scot free the first 3 chpaters of each of my digitally published 22 novels and thrillers, at my site with Amazon.com: https://www.amazon..



A story that won my school writing contest
The One That Got away

The One That Got away

A Book by Angel Jaggi

Life is unpredictable.It comes up with many surprises and miracles when you least expect them.Sometimes the way we see out life changes with time we..


A Book by Mike

Hear is a general fiction novel comprised of 105,000 words. It should appeal to readers who enjoy an element of science fiction in the backdrop, as w..
Mr. Bushwick

Mr. Bushwick

A Story by Mistress Munxroe

An immature neighbor doesn't like the lifestyle of Mr. Bushwick, and aims to teach him a lesson.
Specchio Rotto

Specchio Rotto

A Story by Mistress Munxroe

A story of a girl gone bad.


A Book by We_Write

In a little town called StoneHaven where everyone tells lies, the truth will be revealed through the darkest of eyes.


A Story by Marcus Starr

Brett Turner is an ordinary schmo who happens to look familiar. But what happens when he tries to pass himself off as a bank robber living in Florida?


A Chapter by Akshi Only

She woke up and amidst all the hustle-bustle she tried to get ready as fast as she could, and this time she reached the office 10 minutes early, which..


A Story by write4life

A 16-year old girl who comes face to face with family and friends lies. She is also home alone at some point.
WALKER… Into the Underworld: The Hell

WALKER… Into the Underworld: The Hell

A Book by Ogiri Pedro

Emma's quest unveils Blesh curse's secrets on stranded train, chaos erupts. Bloodied Walker hints at underworld ties, chilling truth emerges amidst sw..