Tags : %23Darkness

The Light of My Life

The Light of My Life

A Poem by aini

The light of my life has a switch; switch off.
Angel of darkness

Angel of darkness

A Poem by Neur

Everybody have different opinions based on their past experiences so, find it out yourself.


A Poem by aBipolarMind

The darkness holds my hand through life. He is always there, waiting to take my hand again, when I step off the pebbled path.


A Poem by aBipolarMind

Maybe I am a hollow tree with no leaves with a family of owls living inside.
Time Unraveled

Time Unraveled

A Poem by Audra Burwell

Time is a totalitarian dictator,Demanding absolute submissionFrom its cowering subjects.Time is a possessive lover,Jealous and vindictive,Calculating ..
A Trick of the Dark

A Trick of the Dark

A Story by iiqquay

do you remember him?

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