Tags : Poems

Spring Again

Spring Again

A Poem by amomentforus

another generation lostto a long winter, hopingto see spring again
Creases and Wrinkles

Creases and Wrinkles

A Poem by amomentforus

Loving you, a mannerism. 40 years of my hand on your thigh,and I don't think it knows rest anywhere else.The unlooking rubs of your back. Time only pa..
Spring, Sometimes

Spring, Sometimes

A Poem by amomentforus

Torrents of petalsflow into gutters,it is spring again.
Conversations We Could Have Had (A Series)

Conversations We Could Have Had (A Series)

A Poem by amomentforus

nonense, but isn't that what the most of this thing we are doing is
Your Shadow on the Subway

Your Shadow on the Subway

A Poem by amomentforus

playing around with line breaks after having read Rod McKuen
Another POV

Another POV

A Poem by Glenn



A Poem by Glenn

I wish it was autumn already. I hate summer
I'll Understand

I'll Understand

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a love poem.
Err Believed Orthodox

Err Believed Orthodox

A Poem by Zammy Whiz

We are mysterious beings.
when i look in the mirror

when i look in the mirror

A Poem by tumi

Writers Cafe Our Comfort Zone

Writers Cafe Our Comfort Zone

A Poem by tumi

why don't we shun the clowns staining our white with their barbaric minds
If I could rock myself back and forth I would.

If I could rock myself back and forth I would.

A Poem by suuyuwriteyunu

If I could rock myself back and forth I would.Over and over again, cradling myself to sleep as I drown in my tears.Back and forth, back and forth.Back..


A Poem by Ayvid N

I birth them and lock them upin the basement, away from the light.My poems are aimless people,born from my mind's stunted womb,They deserve no place i..
My First Poem

My First Poem

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is how my writing of poetry started.


A Poem by Evelyn Madison

I never wantedto be desiredI want to be cherishedcherished, in all of my beauty


A Poem by Evelyn Madison

Your past does not define you.
longing for the end

longing for the end

A Poem by Juse

in the stillnessof silencewhere the labyrinth of chaosseeks forgivenesslies the weightof self-reproachdevouring my soullonging for its end
Poetry About Ping-Pong, Music, and Running

Poetry About Ping-Pong, Music, and Running

A Poem by Jonathan Failla

I loved running in 5K races, when I got my talent back in about 2013. Also, I miraculously got another back: playing the trumpet, and my trumpet song..