Tags : blood

The Man with the Gaping Maw

The Man with the Gaping Maw

A Story by Thunderhawk

A little pacifist made of clay encounters a baby-eating cryptid and tries to reason with it. Bloodshed ensues.
Hold Hands

Hold Hands

A Poem by Andrew John

Are we divided with deliberation,so split into good and bad,into black and white?Are we a racist creation?Is war a deliberation,seen by some as good, ..
3. Filling the Grave

3. Filling the Grave

A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

Tania would be wise to be careful...
Child's Play

Child's Play

A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Children's games and nursery rhymes
Its Last Breaths

Its Last Breaths

A Story by N.T. Ashen

A man accidentally causes a cat's death and feels enormous guilt. TW: slightly graphic descriptions of the cat's death.


A Story by AE

And in the process of that exhale, a loose organ that’s been dangling in your chest from strands of tissue and veins over the past two weeks lig..
lost cause

lost cause

A Book by Alex Angel

Does the cause always justify the means?

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