Tags : conspiracy

A Message From The Future

A Message From The Future

A Book by Mark Sanders

Are we really alone in the Universe? Matt Stevens, decorated combat pilot, and Lizzie Whitehouse, US Senator, are about to find out.
The House

The House

A Book by Joshua

Smithson was used to the strange. But when a house suddenly decays 24 hours after being built, Smithson realises that the strangest was yet to come.


A Chapter by Joshua

It was a house of magnificent design. At least at its conception. A two-storied abode, with differing curvature and edges. Walking from one side, you ..
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by Joshua

RE: Soho house operation Director, Many thanks for picking up this operation on such short notice. The members of The Bureau and I have taken in..


A Chapter by Joshua

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by Omegax45

Before stabbing someone in the back, be prepared for karma.....and revenge.
From Many To One

From Many To One

A Poem by The Crag

I am attempting to convey through poetry, how the brain and its abilities, has changed in so many people.
Why We Wonder

Why We Wonder

A Poem by It's Gross

A sonnet about big brothers' malicious intentions and the lack of privacy we accept to be normal,
A celestial Conspiracy

A celestial Conspiracy

A Story by FreeSpirit

So this story answers some questions scientists couldn't explain or come up with. I through in a little fiction in there but I use real-world details...
Port Of Heaven

Port Of Heaven

A Book by Mr Amobi Offor

In the city of Puerto Del Cielo, a serial murderer is roaming free, causing horrific killings. Detective Alejandro Moreno, a skilled and tormented inv..
Chapter 1 Of Port Of Heaven

Chapter 1 Of Port Of Heaven

A Chapter by Mr Amobi Offor

'Many Days Ago'"Damn it! We are going to miss the flight...." muttered Alejandro as he looked at his wrist watch, "Babe! We are going to be late!" He ..
The Paradox of Illuminati

The Paradox of Illuminati

A Poem by Godwin Isiwu

Truth or illusion? Light or darkness? The Illuminati exist within the myth they create. This masterpiece is a mind-bending poetic reflection on decept..
The Apollo Abductions

The Apollo Abductions

A Book by DustinA7L

After two astronauts mysteriously vanish on the lunar surface, NASA sends Apollo 19 to search for the missing spacemen. What they discover is truly h..
Three Mississippi

Three Mississippi

A Chapter by DustinA7L

Many years after the Apollo astronauts vanished on the moon, a secret agent who was involved in the cover-up operation tells her story. This is her te..

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