Tags : symbolism

The Man with the Gaping Maw

The Man with the Gaping Maw

A Story by Thunderhawk

A little pacifist made of clay encounters a baby-eating cryptid and tries to reason with it. Bloodshed ensues.
Kitchen Party

Kitchen Party

A Poem by nadia dmitri

He told me his name but I couldn't hear it over the noise
Hope Took a Vacation

Hope Took a Vacation

A Poem by Thomas W Case

Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SGp5pzdoGY
Inside Out

Inside Out

A Poem by nadia dmitri

It eats like its preparing for winter
Whale Shark

Whale Shark

A Poem by nadia dmitri

This poem is getting quite lengthy I realize


A Poem by Parva Poeta

A poem about and in the shape of a lemon.
How Villains are Made

How Villains are Made

A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Flaming swords,Blazingly cold desertsTemptation creeping in fromBoth the bleeding tip of my blade andShifting speckles of sand.To stretch out my betra..
Faithless Water

Faithless Water

A Poem by nadia dmitri

Sponge off his sinsIn a tub of faithless water Because being a wifeIs just like being a daughter
Marked D

Marked D

A Poem by nadia dmitri

Like ripping labels off of recycled soldier uniforms
Holy Wars

Holy Wars

A Poem by nadia dmitri

Bruising sea
Allowed Me To

Allowed Me To

A Poem by nadia dmitri

And I would’ve married you
Various Hermetic Thoughts in true dreams. And Paintings.

Various Hermetic Thoughts in true dreams. And Pain..

A Story by Ken Simm.

Various dreams and the paintings that came to be base upon them.


A Poem by nadia dmitri

My body still mimics this like a phantom limb
Body of Banishment and Welcome

Body of Banishment and Welcome

A Poem by nadia dmitri

Must I scrub every window before I can open it?
Little Pockets of Somedays

Little Pockets of Somedays

A Poem by nadia dmitri

Hope is so terrifying sometimes
Knees and Elbows

Knees and Elbows

A Poem by nadia dmitri

It feels like I know everything that is going to happen now
An Adjective of Submission or a Verb of Labour

An Adjective of Submission or a Verb of Labour

A Poem by nadia dmitri

If you are not devoured then you rot

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