Tags : FAITH

The Pen of Faith

The Pen of Faith

A Poem by Hayati Dergah

Modesty is wrapped in the pen That shows the fruit of faith On the paper ©SyedaAyesha
A Kitharode's Prayer

A Kitharode's Prayer

A Poem by Grant

My new favorite.
Gloom of Grey

Gloom of Grey

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

I walk this walk in winter’s fogalong the path to fill each day.Each stranger I see barely nods,they pass by without aught to say.Against the co..
Shine Beyond Shadows

Shine Beyond Shadows

A Book by Sue Corn

Shaya Oren SheinguartS is a deaf Jewish young man who faces antisemitism, grief, and personal challenges. Through resilience, faith, and love, he disc..
The Unknown Before Us

The Unknown Before Us

A Poem by Godwin Isiwu

The speaker walks through life aware of its mysteries, realizing that no matter how much we think we know, there is always more beyond our grasp.
The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece

A Poem by Mirabela-Denisa Căp&..

The Missing Piece explores a deep, unshakable longing for something unknown (torn between faith, past lives, and a search for identity). A soulful ref..


A Poem by Dhaye

It is okay to not be okay
Go On

Go On

A Poem by Dhaye

Be not afraid

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