Tags : karma

God Realization

God Realization

A Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We askThen, we think that this is an impossible taskAnd we go to Temple and we go to ChurchDesperate to find Go..
From Yoga to Moksha

From Yoga to Moksha

A Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

Are you in search of Happiness?Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss? Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to MokshaAnd you are sure to achieve this!Wh..
Enlightened Ego

Enlightened Ego

A Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

We all have an Ego, it is there in our headIt will go along with us till we are deadIt is the one that, 'I', 'me' and 'mine', has always saidIt is the..
Obsessive Recurrence

Obsessive Recurrence

A Poem by Vishnu Kumar K

Life's perpetual manifestation of events triggering speculation at every milestone...
Love on the edge

Love on the edge

A Story by Octo Bun

A young guy who has to go through the same pattern of losing his loved ones due to a curse from an unknown past life.
Spiritual Initiation and How to Self-Certify that You are Enlightened

Spiritual Initiation and How to Self-Certify that ..

A Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

What is the meaning of Spiritual Initiation?It is a start to reach our ultimate destinationThe guidance of a Guru can take us there fasterBut for this..

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