Tags : Twisted

Playing Game Can Kill.

Playing Game Can Kill.

A Poem by Onlyme

The girl who put up with a cheater.He had three girls on the go.And obviously one of them was her.She found out about the other twoby accident one day..
Before humans have kids. They should be given a mental health test. To make sure they good parents.

Before humans have kids. They should be given a me..

A Poem by Onlyme

A poor child battered and broken raped and abused by her own family members.Even sometimes killed and hiddenout of sight.Twisted people in a twisted f..
This is a cruel world.

This is a cruel world.

A Poem by Onlyme

Dog eat Dog ...used to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if what they do harms other people
We are sinking fast........

We are sinking fast........

A Poem by Onlyme

The crazy parents collectingtheir kids in theirmassive 4x4 vehicles,Smart cars and otherin the taxis that arelined up for them.Parked on the doubleyel..
Broken World.. Twisted Souls.

Broken World.. Twisted Souls.

A Poem by Onlyme

Hatred breed discontentment,upset causes sadnessAbuse is an intolerable act.Towards others and towards yourselfwith drink, drugs and sex.So much pain ..


A Poem by Marlice Morgan

Upon her work table there is a boxwithneedles and thread and a rusty lockRemembering the conversations they have hadthe hurtful words that stung so ba..
A crimeless victim of modern times.

A crimeless victim of modern times.

A Poem by Onlyme

Yet again, on the news.Some poor soul has beenaccused of raping someone.Then a few weeks laterthe accuser has changed their mind.But it's far too late..
Where is the love?

Where is the love?

A Poem by Onlyme

You can be with someone a very long timeand you never actually full comprehend what they are really like.You only see, a part of who they really are.A..
Supposed to be?

Supposed to be?

A Poem by Melania Star Hans

I don't know who I am. How am I supposed to find out?


A Poem by Lilac Lilies

A free verse poem, if that's what you'd call this poem
Fine Line

Fine Line

A Poem by RubyR

NOT the Harry Styles song!!
"I'm so proud of you"

"I'm so proud of you"

A Poem by suuyuwriteyunu

"I'm so proud of you"I take my first steps. I call my first words. I cook my first dish. I eat my first meal."I'm so proud of you"I'm such a good girl..

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