Tags : Marksylvania

Captive Audience

Captive Audience

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Jevon and Ant are captives of Hobnail, while Muld is taken prisoner by the Archdruid of Albyia.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Ant plots an escape and Jevon meets the Losasidhe spy.
Covert Activities

Covert Activities

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Rick devises a scheme to rescue Ant and Jevon.
The Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Muld, Syndi and Aloea are pursued by supernatural forces of nature.
Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Hobnail and his crew encounter a haunted airship.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Safe for the time being, Muld, Syndi and Aloea try to figure out how to escape the clutches of the Archdruid Calarom.
Slip Away

Slip Away

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Hobnail and his men escape their make-shift prison as Muld, Syndi and Aloea prepare to be rescued.
Magic Match

Magic Match

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Muld, Syndi and Aloea join forces with their rescuers to combat the power of the Arch Druid, Calarom.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

A plot is hatched to capture Lord Deryck.
Plans and Actions

Plans and Actions

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aloea gives birth and Rick and Shel make a decision about their relationship.
Edge of the Storm

Edge of the Storm

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

In Westmark, the Practical Magicians wonder what scheme Hobnail and his pirates will try next.
Weapon of Mass Destruction

Weapon of Mass Destruction

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Hobnail and his pirates put their plan to destroy Westmark into motion.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Ant and Jevon confront Lord Deryck as Rick and Shel face the wrath of Hobnail.
First Aid

First Aid

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Hobnail's last desperate act causes death and destruction in Westmark.
Life Changes

Life Changes

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Sophia gives birth and Muld and Syndi are finally married.

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