Tags : Loneliness

Fireworks Over the Movie Theater

Fireworks Over the Movie Theater

A Poem by kylie.lockheart

It was fine,The three hour movie I watched with no one.That's all I can sum it up to these days:It was fine.And the part whereShe ripped out her liver..
The Painful Recollection of Losing You

The Painful Recollection of Losing You

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is the heart of the blues.
Two Lovesick People

Two Lovesick People

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

Here is another poem of love and blues for the ladies.
Loneliness For No Reason

Loneliness For No Reason

A Poem by Lana

I think loneliness follows me everywhereBut I don't know if loneliness even wants me thereOr if it plays hide and seekA trick to make the fickle grow ..


A Poem by vicky

Like the sunshine Like the rain I am exposed to the pain Once, twice and in many many ways You left me alone in the dark when I was too scared..


A Poem by FlaLover

This is one way to describe some relationships


A Poem by JM Taylor

A mother's present love is so pivotal. The loneliness I felt was unbearable. It was a slow torture to the death of my child self's soul.
Lost in the stars.

Lost in the stars.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

Life after love is the worst thing one can go through alone.
Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole

A Poem by Grace Wolff

Follow me down to the Rabbit Holewhere beasts and bunnies feast and all,clench my wrists around your neckand swear by whisper to confessSorrow slowly ..
My Sweet One, Andrea

My Sweet One, Andrea

A Poem by Michael Sun Bear

Lonely people reaching out


A Poem by Arthur. S. Ebbers

A poem written for the birds who don't migrate.


A Poem by midnight_moon

a poem about depression and being overwhelmed
Aging in Darkness

Aging in Darkness

A Poem by Godwin Isiwu

A lone black mushroom speaks—aged, unwanted, and lost between life and decay.


A Poem by Arundass TP

Some times we return


A Poem by Shreya Dixit

This poem is about a girl's emotional struggle in search of a safe haven of love.


A Poem by Amanda Reynolds

An apple with its core bored out by loneliness, Not even a fly comes to sit on it’s Decaying skin.


A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

her dress a hot blushher fingers a cool touchher eyes a cloudy grayand she's forgottenat end of the day.

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