Tags : Sword

chapter 2

chapter 2

A Chapter by Nelson Moore

chapter 2 of the book and is further chronicling steins travels to find out what is happening to his friends
The Aryk Williams Chronicle: Crusade

The Aryk Williams Chronicle: Crusade

A Book by Kye Westfall

This book is about a boy who takes his grandfathers legacy, and becomes a knight. He then falls in love, and goes on a crusade to prove his worth to t..
The Aryk Williams Chronicle: Crusade - Prologue

The Aryk Williams Chronicle: Crusade - Prologue

A Chapter by Kye Westfall

This chapter is a base for the book. It revolves around the main character's grandfather, and gives a background to the book. This chapter is all abou..
chatper 3

chatper 3

A Chapter by Nelson Moore

stein continues his adventures with the group to find out who is responsible for the disappearances of the other immortals
On The Zircon Sword

On The Zircon Sword

A Poem by Bobby Madden

A epic piece.
Bloody Fights

Bloody Fights

A Chapter by .

I slashed the katana sideways and cut the samurais head off.
My Kindred Spirit

My Kindred Spirit

A Poem by SyberRose

Shakespearian Sonnet. Painting by Josephine Wall
Japanese Warrior

Japanese Warrior

A Chapter by Saki Kikkio

Chapter 4
Broken Glass

Broken Glass

A Chapter by Saki Kikkio

Chapter 5
ROE - M1P1 - Chapter 6

ROE - M1P1 - Chapter 6

A Chapter by AarsalM

Chapter 6 Time continued to flow along like an endless stream, impossible to stop. Months flew by, and before I knew it, the anniversary of my a..
Tiger and Snow

Tiger and Snow

A Chapter by Saki Kikkio
