Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A Poem by Sarah Roehrig

Consumed by the Darkness
What can you see?

What can you see?

A Poem by Surabhi Kaushik

"Mirrors don't tell lies" they say. I wonder if you can see more of me than where your eyes travel? I wonder how much of me you can see in the mirror ..
A Letter To A Dear Friend

A Letter To A Dear Friend

A Poem by Alexander Dueck

I wrote this to someone who needed to be told their judgment and decisions are right for them. I wrote this for you.
Dream Eaters

Dream Eaters

A Poem by Charlie Leaf

A start, smothered by standardA dream, deemed lost without answerI can't see too far aheadBut I need to focus on what's at hand
I See

I See

A Poem by The Fallen

What I see versus what is unseen...
See My Flaming Heart

See My Flaming Heart

A Poem by Livy S Palmer

For you, who knows not who I am.
I See You Smile

I See You Smile

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

This isn't a happy poem, just so you know before you click on it. Remember, smiles can be false.
To Go On

To Go On

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

If you see a hawkon a bough at field's edgebeyond the corner you should have turnedmaybe it's a sign to go on.Such as during an improvisation onFlamin..
Sore Feet and A Destination Unknown

Sore Feet and A Destination Unknown

A Poem by Footprints al carbon

They always see you through.
I wonder!!!

I wonder!!!

A Poem by lijoabrahamblog (Lijo Abr..

"Thoughts that are raised in everyone's mind but not all get to write about it"


A Poem by Ari

The narrator wishes to see, but can't seem to be able to.


A Poem by idontknowanymore

sitting, waiting.a lifeless face stares back at to the soul, shows the reflection of a husk not far from you.lingering,watching.eyes peeri..
See Me

See Me

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

I wish I was made of windows,so you could see right through me.I’m drowning in this muck,what mud!& nobody can view me.I am, I live,I love &..
Never Meant To Be Known

Never Meant To Be Known

A Poem by Lovecraft

This one is open to interpretation.
The Other Side

The Other Side

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

I've got friends on the other side
Half empty or half full?

Half empty or half full?

A Poem by Onlyme

I have done it myselfdwelled on negativityand let it rule my lifeand it has controlled me like in slaved whipping horsemaking me bleed each and every ..
I saw me watching me

I saw me watching me

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

witnessing a falling leaf
Post Traumatic Stress

Post Traumatic Stress

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

SUBMISS & I did. For it is I that hath been beaten held like a bird by the foot, cradled by claws 'til my final killing come. ..