Tags : Day



A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

I wrote this the other day after a friend I've like for a long time told me they liked me back ^_^


A Poem by Jessica Garcia

poetry about that moment you "zone out" to daydream (lol)
Just A Little Something..

Just A Little Something..

A Story by Chance Aaron

Just a random rant.
It Rained That Day

It Rained That Day

A Poem by Emily

It rained that day. It poured. Not like any other rain. It was your rain. The special one. The kind you called “cats and dog..


A Chapter by E

At times, feels like coffee is the only thing that makes the day worth living. We rely on it, we tell ourselves we are sane because we dirnk coffee.
Death and Decay

Death and Decay

A Poem by Suavis_Umbra

Death and decay grew inside of me,
Cold Sunday Buzz

Cold Sunday Buzz

A Poem by Poe Redd

no angel, not alcahol. :P
College Officially Begins

College Officially Begins

A Chapter by Alex Hunter

The group goes to their first class of the day. On the downside, a certain someone has a class with them.
Same Tomorrow

Same Tomorrow

A Poem by Sarah Elizabeth

'Cause you had a bad day.
His Mighty Winged Light

His Mighty Winged Light

A Poem by MrCthulhu

This poem exists to compliment it's twin; Her Lovely Fertile Dance. Based on the idea that since the universe is split into two that so too would the ..
Mortaless Summoning

Mortaless Summoning

A Poem by Jazmen

The sun rose high And trickled down the side of the western world My door. Closed. [swaying in its lock] it knocks And shutters on it’s own. Smo..


A Story by Lauren

Where am i? Where am i going? Why me!!???
Vermillion Sky

Vermillion Sky

A Poem by ♣ Trinity Circus Fr..

Boots. Blade. Jason Mask. JB music ... to scare off the locals. Oops, sorry that was a murder list.


A Poem by Nic Murray

"Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds."
Skyline Skies

Skyline Skies

A Poem by PoeticFury

Thanks for showing me exactly what I am, and what I need to do.