Tags : superpowers

The Legend of the Plith: Stone and Blood

The Legend of the Plith: Stone and Blood

A Book by Mx Nero Phoenix

Carrie Umber was a normal girl until now. Suddenly, a mysterious letter gifts her non-human powers with a catch; she has to save the world. The Dark L..
The incident

The incident

A Chapter by Ash

The stench of smoke and chemicals in the air took over the oxygen. We were all fighting to breathe. Everything... was so... blurry.
Embers of the Holy War

Embers of the Holy War

A Book by Ling

With the threat of the demon king destroying the world, Guang sets off on a journey to prevent the world's demise. However, the demon king was someone..
Prologue I: The Boy With No Memories

Prologue I: The Boy With No Memories

A Chapter by Ling

He dreamt of nothingness. He was one with the universe; thoughtless, sensationless. Like a leaf in the wind, he simply went with the flow. Stagnant. P..
Prologue III: Reunion/Separation

Prologue III: Reunion/Separation

A Chapter by Ling

The both of them found themselves in a rather expensive restaurant that Guang was abashed of, but which Sui was insistent on because of their kung pao..
Prologue IV: What Makes You, You

Prologue IV: What Makes You, You

A Chapter by Ling

At first, Guang was miffed about the presence of so many people in the manor. There were maids, retainers, gardeners, chefs, teachers - why didn&rsquo..
Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes

A Book by Vaeh

In which three orphaned boys become double agents for two opposing families on the demonic black market.

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