Tags : msjewel

Moving South

Moving South

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a romantic scribble ~
Decorated ~ November 11, 2014

Decorated ~ November 11, 2014

A Poem by MsJewel

~ In Remembrance ~


A Poem by MsJewel

~ a simple little love scribble ~


A Poem by MsJewel

~ heartprints and longing ~
I'm On Santa's Naughty List!

I'm On Santa's Naughty List!

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a little naughty holiday fun ~
~ Unfulfilled ~

~ Unfulfilled ~

A Poem by MsJewel

~ just a scribble ~
Whispers of White

Whispers of White

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a winter love sonnet ~


A Poem by MsJewel

~ don't throw spears ~
Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

A Poem by MsJewel

my wish is for every child to have a Merry Christmas
Constant ~ a collaboration with Trace

Constant ~ a collaboration with Trace

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a collaboration with Trace ~
On Gossamer Wing

On Gossamer Wing

A Poem by MsJewel

~ scribbles and heartprints ~
Where the Wildflowers Sway

Where the Wildflowers Sway

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a romantic scribble ~
Daddy's Shoes

Daddy's Shoes

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a little heartprint ~
Dream Thief

Dream Thief

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a rhyming serpentine verse ~
Balboa Street

Balboa Street

A Poem by MsJewel

~ just a scribble ~
Softer than the Rain

Softer than the Rain

A Poem by MsJewel

~ a love poem ~


A Poem by MsJewel

~ a little love scribble ~