Tags : Bulimia



A Poem by potato

An eating disorder, its a dangerous thing
What Did You Expect?

What Did You Expect?

A Poem by Molly K

Is this what you expected? Did you think you’d find? A pretty, blonde girl With her head in a toilet Throwing up slices of a..


A Poem by Lost

Trigger Warning: References to bulimia
Self contempt

Self contempt

A Poem by Agonizing Clarity

After managing to swallowa few bites of Marconiand cheesethe warm, gooey masssliding down the hollow of my throatI inwardly cringe,the critic in my mi..


A Poem by Lost

CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of disordered eating and bulimia


A Poem by Reeling and Writhing

“Above it is pain, Below it, I’m alive.” When you stand above heaven and look up at hell, Your mind knows 18.5.
Two Fingers

Two Fingers

A Poem by Katsura

A poem about purging. Please don't do this to yourself. I know. It feels so- it's indescribable. But please resist. I believe you, so will your friend..
a love letter

a love letter

A Poem by memorylanded

tw: eating disorder, suicidal thoughts
Head or Heart

Head or Heart

A Poem by Lexi

This is about the struggle of somebody with mental issues that have formed a habit. Specifically what happens when they have to choose between a loved..
The Monster

The Monster

A Poem by rannon96

A poem about distorted self image, particularly in eating disorders.
Stained Bowls And Saliva Coated Toothbrushes

Stained Bowls And Saliva Coated Toothbrushes

A Poem by Bonnie

Welcome to the world of my wonderful thoughts
FB5-05 "Felicity's Boudoir"

FB5-05 "Felicity's Boudoir"

A Chapter by dw817

I realized without the King I would've probably had my clothes ripped off, my head thrust in the trough, and been fncked "in the arse" by every knight..

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