Tags : Anguish

Her Preference

Her Preference

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Her PreferencebyMichael R. BurchNot for her the pale incandescence of dreams,the warm glow of imagination,the hushed whispers of possibility,or frail,..
Laughter from Another Room

Laughter from Another Room

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Laughter from Another Roomby Michael R. BurchLaughter from another roommocks the anguish that I feel;as I sit alone and brood,only you and I are real...
If Words Could Kill

If Words Could Kill

A Poem by BeccaC

A short story / poem on the power that words have over another human being.
Distant Light

Distant Light

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Distant Lightby Walid Khazindarloose translation/interpretation by Michael R. BurchBitterly cold,winter clings to the naked trees.If only you would fr..
It’s Complicated (Eulogy to Good Feelings)

It’s Complicated (Eulogy to Good Feelings)

A Poem by Henry Krone

This poem marks a turning point for the speaker's emotions and the first piece of the third chapter. He reached a relative maximum high, and now every..
Lost Girl

Lost Girl

A Poem by Henry Krone

Well, I tried something a little bit different here. The questions mark my confusion as to how someone I once called a friend began ignoring me and de..


A Poem by Apollos

You are more than what you can see.
For The Last Time

For The Last Time

A Poem by Lisa C

You put your hands on me for the last time. free at last, perhaps. Safe at least a bad time a good many years ago, now I still try to come to terms
A Motherless Child

A Motherless Child

A Story by SparksInTheNight

Why did they take her from me? Why did they put me in this strange place where everything is so big and shiny and I'm surrounded by all these strange ..


A Poem by FlaLover

This is one way to describe some relationships

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