Tags : death

Presentation of Self

Presentation of Self

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Everything is normalso not much to sing or say. No summer thunderstorm,the snow was magical only for an hour.Old menaren’t removing women’..


A Story by Adriana

It was as if staring at an apparition to look at me. Then maybe that was the point, to look at a ghost, to forget I was ever more
Different Darkness (New version)

Different Darkness (New version)

A Book by Feminine_Sir160

The winged girl from the fire never ceases to escape her repetitious fate that appears to be delicately drawn to her while terror never fails to leave..
Different Darkness (2016 version)

Different Darkness (2016 version)

A Book by Feminine_Sir160

Flames, Hope, Sadness, Drowning, Pain, Betrayal, Vengeance, Death, Frozen Rain, Start All Over Again. Who is she anyway?
[1.Cometh the Bird of Death]

[1.Cometh the Bird of Death]

A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

Short story is about a man frightened and alone in the late 1800s of London constantly being followed by a Raven.
Final Whispers

Final Whispers

A Poem by Amy Pettit

a poem I wrote after my best friend was killed last year in Dec. 2024


A Poem by maya_online

there is no good
I Just Can't Put You Through This

I Just Can't Put You Through This

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

The author tells a story about illness, love, and death.
I wonder

I wonder

A Poem by Sam

Fiction poem about suicide


A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

short narrative piece following the the bird of the first story cometh the Bird of Death
Death Spell Caster, Revenge Death Spells To Kill, Black Magic Death Spells To Kill Abusive Ex Lover

Death Spell Caster, Revenge Death Spells To Kill, ..

A Story by poojasingh

Death Spell Caster, Revenge Death Spells To Kill, Black Magic Death Spells To Kill Abusive Ex Lover, I Need Instant Death Spells To Kill, I need death..
Rest In Peace, Mom - Part VIII

Rest In Peace, Mom - Part VIII

A Poem by Randy Johnson

all nighter

all nighter

A Poem by rox

the tinny sound of a scream filters as music through my weary hearing the gurgle of nighttime pouring down the drain core the bone from the slain b..


A Poem by Reese

Second Life

Second Life

A Poem by Reese



A Poem by Arthur. S. Ebbers

A poem written for the birds who don't migrate.