Tags : mistake

Red leaves

Red leaves

A Poem by Patricia

Alot is changing and I think i just started writing again


A Poem by LaterBabe

It should’ve been you.


A Poem by DiskartetHaraya

The alpha alligator crossed the river,resting on its bed.Took a break from all of them-unruly youngstersuntil it turned up dead.No death by them-u..
Dark Breakers

Dark Breakers

A Book by Evan Deubner

Tangible Solace From True Terror
Blue Serendipity

Blue Serendipity

A Poem by WillaDanvers

Find the thing that gets your mind racing, and create dreams that have no bounds


A Poem by Savy

You were an illusion I was hanging on to.I don’t know how, but you held me captivated.Your eyes caught my attention and I was enchanted.You seem..
Do It

Do It

A Story by Dark_Hearts

The single worst thing to say to a suicidal person...
Dr. Hubris

Dr. Hubris

A Story by Ozurite

You are a doctor, working your way through a couple patients ... when you learn a lesson you will never forget.
Fix Me

Fix Me

A Poem by Daniielle7

She's spinning in a white dress dripping in lace.It's cold and unforgiving like the marble staircase.and the tears are streaming down her face,and the..
We all have regrets.

We all have regrets.

A Poem by Onlyme

We all have regretsabout things we havesaid and done.That that we wished wehad not.Sadly we can't changethat time in the past.Or our actionsand words ..
Super Nova (2)

Super Nova (2)

A Poem by Kathrine Rethorn

I wrote two versions of this poem. I wasn't sure which one I liked more.
Next Stop

Next Stop

A Story by progoverperf

He sat and watched as cars passed by. Boy racers in their modified hatchbacks doing upwards of 80mph were littered across the dual-carriageway. Acros..
Assorted Tales

Assorted Tales

A Story by penhive

These are a collection of Micro-Fiction
Performance: second act

Performance: second act

A Story by R J Fuller

A moment's hesitation could have had an entirely different outcome. Or would it be a moment of non-thinking?
Subject to the Wind

Subject to the Wind

A Poem by JE Falcon

A song, I think.
A Dangling Knot

A Dangling Knot

A Poem by Swarnim Chettri

You see a loose thread here You pull it out of sheer boredom Or some pleasure of seeing it unravell so effortlessly, And there, the whole fabric di..