Tags : alone

Who am I

Who am I

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Alone, wandering down a dreary road,With no dreams for I to call my own,Who suffer with what I bestowed,But I, a single soul alone.
Keep it to yourself.

Keep it to yourself.

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

How I feel towards a billion people :3
Finding myself.

Finding myself.

A Story by thearsonist

A youth, unsure of life, lost....and alone. Not sure who to depend on...he tells us his side of his story & how he views everything.
In Between...

In Between...

A Poem by LunaWolf

This reflects what i felt and what i'm sure a lot of people feel when they just cant blot it out any more....
The Man of Stone

The Man of Stone

A Poem by Mark

--a collaboration between the delightful and talented Jola Stoklova and Mark Teague.
A day away from you.

A day away from you.

A Poem by The unknown writer

Because a Day without you is like losing sunlight, where only the darkness can grow and create loneliness.
What Would You Do If...

What Would You Do If...

A Poem by NeonWolves

What would you do? If your world collapsed. What would you think? If you saw your heart die. What would happen? If you took that last pill. Wha..
Why didn't I realize that you loved me?

Why didn't I realize that you loved me?

A Poem by Cadence of Heart

writing just to get it back, I haven't written in over seveal months. hope you like.
Poor Companion.... (Pride is)

Poor Companion.... (Pride is)

A Poem by Zeitgeist Manifesto

We are the company we keep...
Are You Alone?

Are You Alone?

A Poem by GreenSkeleton16

Why Think That Life's Over, And Death Makes You Free?
Alone at Night

Alone at Night

A Poem by GreenSkeleton16

Being haunted by spirits who died in vein.
For you...

For you...

A Chapter by Arsenic Nemesis

Before I begin...
Death Drawings

Death Drawings

A Poem by Chelsea

A poem about suicidal thoughts.
As the blood runs through me

As the blood runs through me

A Poem by Crash

A poem about losing someone you love
dying city

dying city

A Story by Crash

A short piece that feels like black and white film noire
It's as If

It's as If

A Poem by Arizona Sky

It's as if I can feel you Your body up against mine Your heartbeat although distant Beats constant rythmic time
PART ONE - Spells for the Home, Chapter One

PART ONE - Spells for the Home, Chapter One

A Chapter by Arsenic Nemesis

I wait for my journey and its beginning...


A Poem by lily platycorn

I wrote this when I was really depressed because my life was just falling to pieces.


A Poem by lily platycorn

I liked this guy so much.He finally was going to ask me he met my older sister, who has always been better than me.He instantly liked her more and ign..