Tags : Smile

A New Day

A New Day

A Poem by Mercelus

A Friend's Smile

A Friend's Smile

A Chapter by Emmy

Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

A Story by TheJordBaker

A very short piece I wrote a long time ago, not sure about it but I might as well put it up.
Lick of Sense

Lick of Sense

A Poem by Serenity Faith

Something from the South ^_~
That One Moment

That One Moment

A Poem by Amanda

In your one great moment, there will always be disappointment.
Lethal Dose

Lethal Dose

A Poem by SheaRyhai

Written to describe those people you can feel irresistibly drawn too.
Being A Friend

Being A Friend

A Poem by Amanda

Short poem about my job as a friend :)
I am afraid of people

I am afraid of people

A Poem by Emily Dickinson Jr.

A poem about a small girl being treated horribly by her peers, having to learn the hard way how to be accepted and begging that noone have to go thro..
A Smile for a Smile

A Smile for a Smile

A Poem by

This is for this guy that I saw a few weeks ago.... He smiled at me and I smiled at him and I always go home the long way to go by his house...
NO more

NO more

A Poem by Emily Dickinson Jr.

read it plz!!!!!!!
To a smile

To a smile

A Poem by amarlaksh

Running down the street, For urgent a meet, Spotted a child’s smile, Stopped and thought a while. In hot summer morn, Was it cream or corn?..
Rainy Day

Rainy Day

A Poem by Phillip Heidler

Don't even want to talk about it
First Performance

First Performance

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Scent of performance Lingering in the air Smile in the rain


A Poem by Noodles

A gentle song to those in love.