Tags : Feel

Advice To A Friend

Advice To A Friend

A Story by Healing Star

A friend asked seeking a shaman, retreat, to help in her journey.
It Is Real (How It Makes Me Feel)

It Is Real (How It Makes Me Feel)

A Poem by Healing Star

Sometimes I find my way to the stillness in my Heart.


A Poem by Monica Salazar

make me feel somethingthe only reason i am presentis for you tomake me feel somethingdeep insidein my heartin my stomachbutterflies should be cuttingd..
Last Light

Last Light

A Poem by Brandon M. Mitchell

This is a poem about a person who has only one goal, to fight for her life to save the lives of others. This is the prophecy of the Last Light. :D


A Poem by Maskedthoughts

Sometimes your nostalgia mixes with your emotions and takes you to a place you didn't wish or know you could go to.
Love and Lovers

Love and Lovers

A Poem by A.Lack.of.Hope

Not so angry at Love anymore, just those who claim to feel it.


A Poem by Pragya Saxena

A feeling or a bond, discovering what is hidden inside, committment of the souls.
What I Hate

What I Hate

A Poem by CMM2

This is a poem I wrote when I was about 12 years old. It was to my older sister who was to busy to ever give me the time of day. Yet, I still loved ..


A Poem by Qavah Simchah

When does a stone break? When does its hardness change? Before it becomes soft as sand How many times was it Beaten by waves? How much heat pre..
First and Last Steps

First and Last Steps

A Poem by Dom Nolan

"With Tired Eyes Tired Minds Tired Souls We Slept" y.
Senseless Touch Series: Amber.

Senseless Touch Series: Amber.

A Poem by Lola

Your skin smelt like amber....


A Poem by MADAM

The life of a flower. What they feel. What they are. Through life and death.


A Poem by FlamingPhoenix

The Depth of Us

The Depth of Us

A Poem by Amy

I wrote this 14 years ago in an old notebook that I just found. It comes from a deep place.