Chapter Thirty Six: (Wake Up)

Chapter Thirty Six: (Wake Up)

A Chapter by Tabitha t

Chapter: 36 (wake up)



            “Now we can all be together again.” She spoke to our group who hadn’t moved from the doorway. I stood frozen beside Jackson and Addison. Something didn’t make sense. How could my parents be working for Zavion. He had taken them away from us. We had seen him kidnapping them and now they stood in front of us like nothing had happened?

            “What about your chest?” I asked her quickly before I could loose the nerve.

            “Zavion cut you.” I sputtered. “We saw him attack you.” I asked as I stood my ground. My heart was hammering in my chest and I had begun to feel a little bit nauseous from thinking back to the knife jamming into her body. I shook my head to rid myself of the images as my mother seemed to think about what I had asked her.

            Her face turned dark and she looked past me without really seeing. She shook her head and let out a cackling laugh.

            “What are you talking about Madison?” She asked me as she chuckled. “Zavion would never hurt me.” She said as she looked around the room to everyone. “He wouldn’t hurt any of us. He isn’t like the Guild.” She spat out at last. What was going on? There was no way my mother had forgotten about that day.    

            “What about what you said in the court yard?” Addison stepped forward to speak. His voice was strong and confident as He questioned our parents.

            “What about you saying that you had escaped Zavion and we were going someplace to meet you that was safe.” He took a deep breath and held his chest out and his chin high. He looked a lot like a Hunter then I thought. The flickering light from the candles behind him made his hair glimmer. The golden boy.

                        “That was just something we had to say” Our father spoke up to explain. His voice was calm but edged with contempt. He was getting tired of our questioning.

            “We couldn’t tell the truth while we were still on Guild property.” He stepped forward slightly. Addison did not waver.

            “No,” He said. “This doesn’t make sense.” Addison thought out loud as he slowly shook his head. I could hear him grinding his teeth from where I stood. His hands were balled up by his sides.

            “We saw you arguing with Zavion. We saw our home in shambles.” His voice came out pinched and tight.

            “He attacked us and we saw him take the both of you!” His voice rose then as if saying the words louder would make them understand. Our father just grinned.

            “It was just a misunderstanding son. Cant you understand that?” He sighed.

            “This is our chance to make things right in the world. This is our chance to rise above all the others and finally show the Guild that they can’t write the rules as they see fit.” He thumped his fist against his palm. Tight cords stretched out across his neck.

            I didn’t know what to think. Nothing was making any sense anymore.  First I learn that my parents have been lying to us our entire lives then I come to the Guild and learn that Zavion was the Guild’s biggest enemy and had tried to take over the essence stone. Then I learn that my parents are working with him and that the Guild is the real enemy. How was this possible?

            I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Willing myself to go back before any of this had happened. I was back in my room listening to music while mom and dad were downstairs drinking a cup of hot tea before bed. Addison was in his room on the computer. I wanted to go back to that, where everything was boring and predictable. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still here. Under the earth in a dirty abandoned mine and nothing made any sense.

            “Maddy darling?” I heard my mother chirp in a sweet voice. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.” She held her arms out towards me.

            “Come let mother see if you are alright.” She looked my way. I felt my feet moving towards her without even thinking about it. I just wanted my parents to make everything alright again. I wanted my life back so desperately. Most of all I wanted to feel her arms around me.

            “I will take care of everything.” She said as I came up to her. I stopped a few feet short of her and looked into her eyes. I felt a lump begin to work its way into my throat. I could hear Jackson and Addison anxiously shuffling behind me. My mother looked down at me and smiled what I am sure she had assumed would have been a warm and caring smile. I gasped and took a staggering step away from her. Her teeth were black jagged fangs that looked like broken glass. As she noticed my frightened retreat her smile quickly became a feral snarl and she lunged forward to wrap her arms around me. I tried to doge her attack but my feet seemed to go the opposite direction and I only accomplished falling to the ground. My fall managed to keep me out of her grasp for the time being. Her arms flew around my head barely missing their mark.

            Around me the room seemed to explode in noise. My mom began to growl and spring towards me as I quickly scooted away. I heard Jackson and Addison yelling my name and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Mordant racing towards them. A curved blade glimmered in his hand.

            “Come here and stay still.” My mother grunted as she lunged again in my direction. I crawled backwards as fast as I could bet she grabbed hold of my right ankle. I gasped and tried to shake her hand free but her fingers dug deeper into my leg. I saw her nails cut through the material of my kaki pants and felt the bite of them against my skin. I heard myself scream as if I was watching a horror movie. I looked around the room for help. Things seemed to be moving in slow motion. The sound of my own pain filled scream blocked out all other noises. I saw Jackson scrambling to pull his bow from over his shoulder and notch an arrow as Mordant ran towards him with his knife in hand. Addison had turned away from the appending skirmish and with his eyes locked on mine had begun to force his way towards me.

            I turned back to my mother who had begun to drag me across the floor and away from Addison. Behind he my father had ran towards the back of the building and stood stoically silent as he watched the scene play out. Nicholas stood silently beside him.

            I felt my mother’s nails dig deeper into my flesh and I felt a new scream rip its way up my throat. I turned behind me to see Addison skidding across the floor. I held my hand out just in time to feel his hand strongly wrap around mine.

            “Let go of her!” He roared as he tugged on my arm/ I felt my body stretch both ways and my mother’s nails ripped through my skin. Red began to seep out onto the tan of my pants. I gritted my teeth against the pain. Addison noticed and immediately let go with a look of horror. As soon as his fingers released my hand my mom jerked my leg violently with a wild sounding howl.

            “Do as you are told, Madison!” She hissed and let out a small bark of a laugh. She was just like my dream.

            “Let her go!” Addison growled through gritted teeth as he sprung to his feet. He quickly rushed her and shouldered her away from me. For a short second the pressure on my ankle became unbearable and then relief spread through me as I came loose. I gasped as I tried to catch my breath for a moment. Addison pivoted on his heels and grabbed me by my elbow and pulled me to my feet.

            “That’s not mom and Dad!” he panted as he pulled me away from the middle of the room. I struggled to keep up with him as he dragged me towards the entrance of the room. Jackson was wrestling with Mordant on the cool stone floor. Dark dust coated the both of them.

            “Get Rosamond!” He shouted as he noticed our quick arrival. Addison made a sharp left turn as soon as he heard the command and jerked me away from the fight. Before I faced away I saw Jackson grab an arrow that had been strewn across the floor around them and thrust the tip into Mordant’s shoulder.

            His screams of pain followed us all the way to where Rosamond and the other Guild members were held captive. Rosamond had witnessed what was happening all around him and quietly scanned the room.

            “You can’t get us out.” Rosamond shouted over the noise just to be heard. “These are cursed chains.” He nodded towards the manacles around his wrist and waist.

            “There is no key and nothing can break it.” He shouted over the sounds of metal grinding against rock. I quickly turned around to see our mother ripping one of the candelabras from the stone wall. Her face set into a grimace as she began to loosen it from the black stone.

            Addison hurry!” I pleaded as I bounced on my toes. How could this be happening? I couldn’t believe the situation we were in. Addison waved a hand at me irritatedly and pinched his brows together.

            “Let me think Madison.” He sighed. He chewed on his thumb nail for a moment before looking up brightly.

            “I’ve got it!” He smiled as he quickly reached behind his back and pulled out the sword that he had in a sheath across one shoulder. The silver blade reflected in the candle light as it swung around over his head to rest lightly in his palms as if it had always been there. Rosamond audibly gasped in surprise.

            “Is that Nalaheim’s Sword?” He stared in disbelief. Addison just smiled gracefully.

            “The one and only,” He smiled brighter in our direction. “Will this work?” He asked at last as he nodded towards the chains. Rosamond just shrugged and looked over at our mom. She had successfully torn the last part of the metal out of the stone wall and as stones crumbled to her feet she turned around and with a look of fury had began to make her way towards us.

            “It is blessed steel and its probably the best chance we have got.” Rosamond answered. “But we don’t have much time to find out.” Rosamond added hastily as he spread his hands as wide apart as they would go and turned his head to the side. As Addison lifted the Blessed steel above his head in preparation Rosamond shut his eyes tightly and I instinctively did the same.

            A high pitched scream ripped through the room. The sound of metal on metal pierced the room and I opened my eyes in alarm. Rosamond was in front of us, eyes still closed and his face tightly pinched together. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down with a look of relief. The chain fell apart and clattered against the hard floor. Rosamond laughed in a moment of excitement and began working to free the other men.

            “It worked!” Addison laughed as he looked over to me. As I stared gleefully into his face my heart sank. Over his shoulder I saw my mothers face smiling widely with her black razor sharp teeth as she held the giant candle stick over her head.

            Addison,” I shouted as the smile left my face. “Duck!”  Addison hesitated for the slightest second but as my words registered he quickly dropped his head right as her weapon whipped through the air right where he was moments before.

Addison quickly pushed me backwards and turned to face our mother right as she was recovering from her death attempting blow.

            “You both have been very naughty children.” She grinned. “Your father and I are both very disappointed in you.” She said as she grunted while lifting the candelabra again.

            She swung the metal rod towards us with all of her might. Addison held his hand out to both side and backed into me. We were moving backwards and I stopped when I felt the cool stone wall against my damp back.

            She noticed that we were trapped and her grin grew even wider. She began walking forward to close the gap between us. I could feel the wind from her swinging the candlestick moving my bangs. I felt Addison take a few more steps backwards, his body pining me against the wall in an attempt to block me.

            My head was buzzing and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I couldn’t believe that we had made it this far and now after we finally found our parents that they were going to kill us. I gasped as Addison put more pressure on me. I felt as though my ribs were about to crack. I looked over her shoulder and our mom was just a few steps in front of us now. One more step and we would be unable to get away from her.

            I looked into her eyes briefly looking for any hint that my real mother was still in there. I didn’t know if she ever existed now. Was all the hugs and movie nights just a cover up of some kind of evil plan?

            “You’re grounded.” My mom laughed as he arched her arms back to deliver the final blow that would easily take down my brother and I. I closed my eyes and pressed my head against Addison’s back. I felt the damp material soaked through with sweat and the earthy smell of him. Even now as he shielded my body with his own he stood with a straight back and with dignity. Where as I on the other hand cowered in his shadow.

            I couldn’t let my last few moment be spent in terror and self doubt. I had to stand up on my own to feet and look my future in the eyes. I will not let myself be held up by my brother any longer. I lifted my head up and looked out at my impending doom. What I saw shocked and relieved me. Right as our mom was bringing her metal stick in a sweeping arc straight for us Rosamond and the two Guild members he was with appeared and threw their entire body weight into her body. Her face flashed in alarm and surprise as she catapulted towards the ground.

            “Quick,” Rosamond shouted as they restrained her, “Get to Jackson!”  I felt Addison’s weight lift off of me as he turned to face where Jackson and Mordant had been entangled on the dark stone floor.

                With Addison a few feet in front of me I sprinted towards Jackson. As we reached them Mordant was on top of him with his blade aimed at his throat. Jackson used one arm to cut off the attack but the man on top of him out weighed him greatly. Addison sprang on top of him and dislodged the knife, throwing it to the ground.

                All around me the sounds of battle rang out. Screams came from my mother and groans of pain from Jackson. All the while my father stood by and watched as if slightly amused. I looked up at him and my eyes drifted towards Nicholas. He saw me staring and quickly looked to the ground. I couldn’t be positive but his face looked flushed as if he were blushing or ashamed.

                “Forza!” I heard Mordant shout from where Addison had him pinned to the ground.

                “Enough of this foolish game!” Spit leaped from his lips as he shouted in anger. He turned his face up to smile wickedly at Addison.

               “You might want to arm yourself, boy” He chuckled. Addison was obviously caught off guard and looked around at Jackson and me for an answer. Jackson who was now sitting up just shrugged momentarily before standing up completely.

                “Looks like we have the upper hand.” He growled down at Mordant as he rotated his shoulder and winced.

                “Are you sure about that?” I heard Mordant challenge as I turned to look at my father. I stared speechless as I saw him raise him arms out to us and smile ferociously. Black liquid seemed to flow from his fingertips and float around him like a river. Black droplets seeped onto the floor and began to spread in a puddle. From the blackness on the floor small black insect like creatures began to form and condense in masses around him.

 I looked back at Jackson and Addison in shock. Addison’s face had gone white and he slowly lifted himself off of Mordant while his eyes never left the terrifying scene in front of us.

                “What are they?” I asked as I began to slowly back away. Addison and Jackson had begun to do the same.

                “Lynches.” Jackson gulped as He reached for his bow and the few remaining arrows he had on him. My hand went to the small pouch on my belt as the black mass began to crawl over itself in waves towards us.                                                                                





© 2012 Tabitha t

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Added on November 19, 2012
Last Updated on November 19, 2012

The Blood Stone; Book One to the Essence Stone Series


Tabitha t
Tabitha t

Pigeon Forge, TN

I am 21. I am in a commited lesbian relationship. I am a novelist. still struggling. (obviously) The novel I am working on completing right now is totally consuming my tie and I love every minute .. more..
