![]() Chapter Thirty Five: (Finally)A Chapter by Tabitha tChapter: 35 (Finally) The path he led us down was a winding trail of dark stone and low ceilings. There were a few lanterns placed on the walls every few yards that lit up the tunnel just enough to see where your feet were going to fall. No one spoke as we followed Mr. Forral through the darkness. His back was straight and confident as he led the way. He seemed almost joyous and was whistling a cheerful melody under his breath. I began to question the man’s sanity. Nicholas walked half way between his father and us. He seemed shocked and was speechless as if he couldn’t believe that his father was really here after all this time. I couldn’t imagine how he felt right now. I wanted to walk beside him and at least try to let him know that I was here for him but I figured that he needed a little bit of time to digest this. We all did. “We have arrived.” Mordant said in a sing song voice as he came to a quick stop and turned around to look at our group. We had stopped where the wall to our left had opened up in a giant hole. There was a room beyond. “Go on in.” he urged. “I am sure they will be thrilled you finally made it here.” He smiled as he stepped behind the group to follow us in last. We all glanced around each other before taking a deep breath and walking through the cavernous entrance together. The lighting was not as well lit as it was in the hallway but we could easily see the open room from the few candles that were placed around the entrance of the room. The edges of the room were well lit this way but the back wall of the room was more shrouded in shadows then the rest. From that area is where we could see the two silhouettes standing. Facing the doorway we now crowded into. “ “I thought we made it perfectly clear that you children were to come to us alone.” My father’s deep voice cut across the room like an arrow. “We wouldn’t have been able to find this place ourselves.” He explained as he took another step forward. He was almost directly in the center of the room now. I heard my father’s exasperated sigh. “Well never mind that now.” He let out a long breath. “I guess we will just have to include your new friends in this as well.” “In what?” I asked as I stepped up beside “In starting our own Guild of course.” My mother spoke to me in her usual soothing voice. “Why would we want to start our own Guild?” I heard “Didn’t mordant explain this all to you?” He asked while pinching the length of his nose between his fingers. “The Guild cannot be trusted.” He said as he looked at Addison and me. “We left all those years ago when you two were just babies because we knew that the Guild would not be a home to you. They would warp your mind and teach you false lessons. “His voice rose as he expressed his feelings. “They rose each generation to be just as ruthless as the one before.” My mother spoke up then. She paced in front of us with her hands behind her back and her mouth contorted into a grimace. “They caused the Blood wars out of jealousy and self proclaimed righteousness, not for humanities sake. “ She spat in our direction. Her eyes were dark and dangerous. There was no hint of the comforting mother who always brought me extra blankets and a book when I was home sick. “They are lying!” We heard a voice yell from an unnoticed corner of the expansive room. Rosamond was there with chains and straps holding him in place against the sooty wall. His eyes puffed out in garish bruises and his face was stained red from blood being smeared across his cheek from his nose. On either side of his were a few men in just as bad shape wearing the robes of the Guild. I sucked in a breath and felt like I had been punched in the stomach. The last time I had heard about Rosamond and his men they had been ambushed during a rescue attempt to find my parents. The same parents, who now willingly, stood by as they were shackled and beaten while being imprisoned. “They are making these things up!” He shouted through gritted teeth as he arched his back forward and tried to slip out of the handcuffs. “Uncle Rosamond!” I heard Nicholas gasp and felt him moving forward. His shoulder brushed mine as he pushed his way out of our group. He moved quickly across the barren floor towards the group of men in the tangled knot of chains and arms. “Stop Nicholas!” I heard a bellow behind us. I turned around to see Nick’s father standing in the doorway behind us. He stood brawd shouldered and straight as he pointed a thick finger towards Nicholas. “Don’t take another step towards that murderer!” He thundered in Nick’s direction. Nick froze halfway between the two of them. He turned slowly to face his father. “That’s my uncle.” He gasped with his hands out. “Your brother!” He spoke softly with confusion seeping into his body. Mordant briskly walked past us and went to Nicholas. “He killed that man you were with.” He said as he laid a giant hand onto his son’s shoulder. “He tortured him and left him for dead when he didn’t get the information he wanted.” He explained in a soft voice. He stood calm and sturdy beside Nicholas who looked hurt and confused with his shoulders drooping. “He wanted to find Zavion and take his stone along with the others and use the powers to make himself a Rahjeim.” Mordant spoke as he looked over towards Rosamond who stood as straight as possible with the chains around his waist and wrists. “A Rahjeim?” Nick echoed. “What is that? I’ve never heard of that before.” He spoke quickly as he looked up into his father’s face. As I stood close by watching this exchange I thought that Nicholas looked like a young boy staring up to his father for guidance. I supposed that was how Nicholas really was when his father left the guild. “It is something unstoppable, something so strong that the earth couldn’t even bare its weight. The world would be at its mercy. Everything would change from what we know now. You didn’t know about this because the Guild doesn’t want anyone who is not in the council to know about it.” He spat towards his brother before continuing. “The council was created to gather all of the essence stones. They told the world that they were going to return the stones to their original resting places and protect the world from the dark thins that came to feast on the magic omitted by the stones.” “Don’t listen to him!” Rosamond shouted then as he lunged against his restraints, his wrists grinding against the metal of the restraints. “He is lying!” He looked towards Nicholas. His eyes begged for his nephew to understand. “He was sent away from the Guild because he wants all the stones to himself. He thought he could use the stones to protect the world instead of putting them where they belonged. He wants the same thing that Zavion wants!” He shouted as he turned to Mordant with a look of hatred and loathing on his blood stained face. “But the Guild didn’t like that kind of talk did they? They knew that it wouldn’t be long before you showed signs of weakness. They knew that you would cave against the great weight that stones place on their Hunter’s.” He hissed in Mordent’s direction. Mordant didn’t flinch as Rosamond spoke. He held his head high and looked down at Rosamond. He shook his head before looking down at Nick. “He was always jealous of me growing up.” I was the one who stood up for my ideas. I had the friends and I was at the top of my list.” He looked over at Rosamond again with a smirk covering his lips. “Look who raised you!’ Rosamond pleaded in Nicholas’s direction. “When you were alone, who took care of you?” “That was my mistake Rosamond. I should have never left my son willingly behind and in the Guilds care.” Mordant spoke softly. “I will make up for that mistake. I know I cast a long shadow but that doesn’t give you the right to you or the Guild to abuse your power.” He stood behind Nicholas then and guided him away from Rosamond and towards my parents who had stood by silently during the whole scene. My mouth was hanging slightly open in shock. “You have got to be kidding me.” I heard “Well,” She smiled with her lips closed tightly and clasped her hands in front of her and looked over to Addison, Jackson and I. “Isn’t this just a happy family reunion?” She asked happily. © 2012 Tabitha t |
Added on November 19, 2012 Last Updated on November 19, 2012 Author![]() Tabitha tPigeon Forge, TNAboutI am 21. I am in a commited lesbian relationship. I am a novelist. still struggling. (obviously) The novel I am working on completing right now is totally consuming my tie and I love every minute .. more..Writing