![]() Chapter Thrity Two: (Painful Truths)A Chapter by Tabitha tChapter: 32 (Painful truths) He was strapped down onto the polished metal of the table. Dried blood caked into the leather. Around his ankles were shackles, lined with sharp barbs on the inside so that movement was either impossible or excruciatingly painful. His skin was battered and broken. The wounds were fresh and still weeping bright scarlet. He was clad in nothing but his shackles and a pair of black pants that was torn and shredded, as was the skin beneath. His chest was bare and bloodied but was slowly and rhythmically rising with each labored breath he took. From this close you could hear him wheezing as he fought to take each breath. “No more.” The man whispered as he slowly lifted his from the black ball of cloth that cradled it. His eyes were a bright blue that stood out against the black and bruised skin around them. “No more please,” He whispered frantically, “ I beg of you, no more.” Tears began to stream down his face, leaving behind white lines where the tears washed away some of the dried blood from his face. Before I knew what I was doing I felt myself rushing to the mans side. I felt hot tears begin to fall down my cheeks as well. “We aren’t going to hurt you.” I said softly as I gently cradled the man’s hand in my own. I felt him relax just a little under my soft presence. “Who did this to you?” I heard Nicholas question forcefully as he came and stood beside me. His hands were balled into fist. I could tell that he was emotionally just as distraught as I was. I then saw Jackson and Addison come and stand on the other side of the table across from us. The man’s eyes glided around the table to each of our faces. He opened his mouth to answer but instead he ended up coughing. A deep rattling cough that had his thin body shaking. Red began to paint the mans tongue and lips. “Quick tilt his head up,” Nicholas instructed at The man was still coughing uncontrollably and as Nicholas got the first restraint undone on his left hand the man was able to support himself on his elbow just enough to give one giant cough which loosened the fluid in his chest. Bright red splatters flew out of his mouth and onto the floor and his chest. I looked away for a moment, thinking I may be sick. Images of the dream I had my parents flashed into my mind. The pools of blood and gore flowing towards my feet. I shook away the images as I heard Nick’s quick and confident voice. “Quick hand me that towel.” I heard Nicholas tell After a moment Nicholas had cleaned up the worse of the mess and signaled for Like a cobra, he flew his hand forward and snatched the cloth back from “Hey I need that!” “Quiet.” He demanded without looking up. “ “Grab me that soda I had earlier.” He said forcefully before quickly glancing up again. “ Please.” He added. We all did as he said as quickly as possible before meeting in a group around him. Intently trying to see what he was so focused on. He grabbed the soda can from my hands and began to empty its contents onto the cloth and then began to scrub the cloth into itself. “What are you doing?” In his outstretched hands was a black piece of cloth soaked in blood around the edges but in the middle where Nick had scrubbed it clean was the gold outline of a circle cut into four equal parts. The Hunters’ Guild insignia. © 2012 Tabitha t |
Added on November 19, 2012 Last Updated on November 19, 2012 Author![]() Tabitha tPigeon Forge, TNAboutI am 21. I am in a commited lesbian relationship. I am a novelist. still struggling. (obviously) The novel I am working on completing right now is totally consuming my tie and I love every minute .. more..Writing