![]() Chapter Twenty Five: ( Nalahiem)A Chapter by Tabitha tChapter: 25 (Nalaheim) “This is it.” Nicholas whispered to the small group of people behind him. I felt uneasy about having so many people involved already but I knew that we couldn’t do this without Jackson and Nicholas. I trusted them both but I was afraid that the smallest mistake could cause us lose our parents forever. After all, they did tell us to tell and trust no one. Nick brought out a small key from his pocket and stuck it into the key hole on the massive door we now clustered around. Our breathes seemed to loud in the darkness that wavered around us. We had been lucky so far to not have encountered any of the council members wandering around this late at night. As long as the younger members of the Guild went to their classes and stayed out of trouble they were pretty much allowed to do what they wanted on the premises but I was sure that sneaking around this late and breaking into the weapons room would not be taken too kindly. I remembered Nicholas talking about grueling hikes for punishment and I mentally cringed as I wished Nicholas would hurry up and get the door open. After what felt like pain staking long seconds the door clicked and Nicholas pushed the door open. We all silently swept through the doorway and Nick closed the door quietly behind us. For a few moments, we were in complete darkness. I heard shuffling beside me and then the lights were on. I blinked a few times. We were in a massive room and it looked just like what you would believe a weapons room would look like. It had the same giant stone walls the rest of the Guild had. Long blades and chains and assorted things lined the walls. Along the perimeter of the room were metal and glass boxes. I walked up to the one closest to mine and peered inside. Small blades were softly placed inside a sheath made out of dark leather. “They are throwing knifes.” Nicholas said from behind my right shoulder. “That was my father’s weapon of choice. I actually think they will be perfect for you to use.” He gave a small smile as he gently lifted the lid to the case and extracted the knifes from where they were resting. “I don’t actually plan on having to use anything in here.” I gulped. Just thinking about actually trying to protect myself from anything like that made my stomach begin to flip over on itself. “Like I said I can’t stop you from going but I am going to do the best I can to make you prepared.” He gently spoke to me as he placed the sheath around my waste and attached it to my belt. I suddenly became very aware of his hands against my waist. I breathed deeply trying to calm my racing heart from jumping out of my chest. I could smell the strong scent of fresh green in the air around him. Maybe breathing wasn’t the best idea. Nicholas looked up from my belt and into my eyes. He looked sad and confused. I could see questions swirling around behind the green eyes. “I’m not going to lie Maddy. I am scared. All my life I have heard stories about Zavion. About the terrible things he has done. He was more like a bedtime story to me. Terrifying, but not real. I never thought I would actually see the day when he would make himself known.” Nicholas spoke softly, his eyes tracing my face. “It’s kind of like having the Boogie monster come to life.” He grinned. “Oh my God!” I heard “It’s so light.” He said in astonishment as he swung the blade in an arc around his head. “Its blessed steel.” “They bring it out once in a while and tell us the prophecy behind the enlightened blade. It was wielded by Nalaheim. He was the very first Warrior of the Guild. He was the son of a black smith and when he found out that his son had been chosen to become a member of the Guild and protect humanity he began to labor on making the best weapon he had ever created. On the day that his son was to take the blood Oath, he presented his son with the weapon. It was strong, sharp, and light as a feather. The land had never seen such a magnificent weapon. During the blood wars, the sword kept Nalaheim safe. No enemy could out match the blade and its owner.” Nicholas recited the story from his childhood expertly. “It is said that Nalaheim played a major roll in the last battle that drove Zavion into hiding. One day it was prophesized that the blade that Nalaheim wielded would be the blade that ended the battle over the essence stones. That is why the Head of the Guild Council blessed the weapon. Of course, everyone thought that Nalaheim himself would be the one to kill Zavion. He was a legend inside the Guild. Strong and courageous and of course he became the Second Head of the council after the First passed away of some kind of plague.” “Of course Zavion never appeared again during Nalaheim’s lifetime or generations afterward.” “I think it would be a good idea to bring it. You never know what could go wrong and it might come in handy.” “Won’t they notice its missing?” I asked before Nicholas could respond. “I mean you said it’s really old and stuff. I’m sure it’s important to the Guild.” “It is important to the Guild.” Nicholas explained. He looked at me and grinned. “But they keep it shut away in here until they want to bring it out and remind us what it means to be a Warrior and Protector. They wont notice it’s gone and to tell you the truth,” He paused to smile at “I would love to see what this thing can do in action.” He finished. I looked around the room. It figures, I thought to myself, a room full of weapons and the boys have to pick the oldest and most important one to take out and more then likely break. I shook my head but didn’t continue to try to talk them out of it. I knew it was pointless and I was out numbered in testosterone. “Okay guys lets finish up here.” Nicholas said as he grabbed a bow and arrow set and slung it across his back. “We need to head out soon and I don’t want to take much longer and risk someone walking by and seeing the light through the door.” “What? Why would you be going?” “When you told me about what had happened and how you ended up coming to the Guild,” His eyes darted to mine for a short moment before slamming into “I couldn’t figure out why the Guild would not retaliate after Zavion had done something like that.” He spoke to “I haven’t heard word from Rosamond since he left.” His voice was low and threatening. “Something has happened hasn’t it?” He questioned “The day of Maddy’s accident,” He nodded towards me. “We got word that Rosamond and his crew had been ambushed during their search. They haven’t heard anything back since.” He held his hand out at his sides. “They want us to just sit around and wait for Rosamond to get in touch with the Council. “I’m sorry Nicholas. I should have told you right away but the council didn’t want us to alarm anyone.” He spoke softly and looked ashamed. I looked over at Nicholas. His eyes shone brightly as though sparks had been ignited behind them. “I am going.” He spoke in resolve. “I don’t get why you want to come along so badly? I appreciate you helping us out and all but what does this have to do with you?” He asked innocently enough. I was thinking the same thing. Nicholas gritted his teeth and shot “Rosamond is my uncle.” He said desperately. © 2012 Tabitha t |
Added on November 18, 2012 Last Updated on November 18, 2012 Author![]() Tabitha tPigeon Forge, TNAboutI am 21. I am in a commited lesbian relationship. I am a novelist. still struggling. (obviously) The novel I am working on completing right now is totally consuming my tie and I love every minute .. more..Writing