Chapter Sixteen: (Ambush)

Chapter Sixteen: (Ambush)

A Chapter by Tabitha t

Chapter: 16(Ambush)


            “Be Welcome Future Hunters and Guardian.” Sawaya spoke to us from his throne like seat in the middle of the conference room. There were a great deal less men and women in black robes then there was the first time we had been in company of Sawaya.

            “I have some news I think you three would be interested in learning.” He spoke strongly, his voice carrying an enormous amount of power within it.

            “Is it about the Cazadors sir?” Jackson stepped a few feet in front of us and spoke directly to Sawaya himself.

            “In fact it does Jackson.” Sawaya clasp his hands together on his lap. “It seems there has been a” He paused to think of the correct term. “Momentary setback.” He continued. “Rosamond led the rescue party to the Cazador’s place of residence and began to search for any kind of clues as to where Zavion may have taken them to.” He cleared his throat and looked at the three of us as if searching for something.

            “In the middle of their investigation they were attacked. A band of lynches raided the premises and incapacitated one member of the group, Barlow, and as for the rest of the five members of the squad their whereabouts are undisclosed at this moment in time.” He spoke softly as though he realized how this news would affect the three of us.

            What did this mean? How could one of the Guilds best Hunters and his team have been taken down by… I faltered for a moment, what did Sawaya call them? Lynches?

            I looked over at Jackson with my mouth gaping open. He seemed just as stunned as I did. He obviously expected this meeting to bear some good news as well.

            “What is a lynche?” I asked Sawaya, stepping closer to where he heavily sat in his spot of authority.

            Jackson looked over at me. The astonishment clearing from his eyes and red flames of anger taking its place.

            “Lynches are the nasties I was telling you about before when we were at your home. They are what Zavion primarily uses for his armies. They are the roaches of dark magic. Feeding and thriving off of it. Not the meanest of creatures out there, but with enough of them they are almost impossible to defeat.”

            “I can see you have been paying attention in Magical awareness classes Jackson. Well put.” Sawaya spoke to Jackson with a small smile in his voice.

Addison was the next one to speak out. He stomped his foot against the hard stone floors. I looked over my shoulder and saw his face was a bright red.

            “Who cares what they are? What are we going to do about them? That team was our biggest chance of getting our parents back. But if you have forgotten Ill be happy to remind you that our parents are out there, probably being tortured by a lunatic and you are laughing it off like its nothing!” He was in full rant mode now. “What do we do now? Do we send another group to our house and risk them getting captured to?”

            Sawaya calmly looked down his square strong nose at Addison. Sawaya at that exact moment look exactly like a military leader would look like in times of war, strong, smart, and cold as ice.

            “Young Addison I know this is a grave situation your parents and the rest of the hunters are in but I can assure you that Rosamond is the best hunter I have seen in a long time. If there is anyone, who can get out of this situation alive and with your parents it is him. I believe that the best thing for us to do is stay tuckered down and wait for word from him and the rest of the team.” He spoke with a steely resolve that can only come from years of training and patience.

            “I vow to you that as soon as I hear word from Rosamond or anyone else we have out there about this situation we will inform you within the hour. Understood?” He spoke to all three of us but his eyes were still locked with Addison’s.

            Addison held his eyes for a few more tense moments before he sighed and cast his gaze downwards.

            “Yes sir.” Addison spoke with his head down. He was no longer angry but his spirit had been momentarily crushed. I knew Addison better then anyone, besides maybe Jackson and I knew that he usually stormed into situations head first, shoulders back, and full force ahead. My brother had an abnormally thick skull so it usually didn’t hurt too much. He wasn’t use to sitting idly aside and letting other people be in charge of a situation like this. I felt sorry for him in that moment. This was new territory for him and it would take some time for him to learn to cope with it.

            “Now if you children will excuse me. I need to figure out the class situation for next week since everything is not going according to plan.” Sawaya Said as he slightly bowed his head in our direction. Jackson bowed as well and Addison and I followed his lead. After a moment of us suspended in time like that we all turned around and began to exit the room.

            “Oh, and Addison, I heard about your Combatant training course. I am not surprised that you did so well. Your father was an amazing Hunter and I believe that it would be to no one’s surprise if you took after him in that aspect. Well done young man.”

            Addison paused in his retreat when Sawaya began to speak again and as he ended his statement Addison nodded with his back still facing his superior and then went through the heavy wooden doors. Addison and I followed close to his heals.

            Jackson was a few paces in front of us and walking briskly down the hallways.

            “Now what do we do Jackson? Do we really just go to our last class a bit late and act like everything is going to be okay because I have a feeling that is going to be pretty impossible for me.” I asked him angrily as I stared at the back of his head.

            “No, I’ve got a better idea. I’m sure we could all blow off a bit of steam am I right?” Jackson looked back over his shoulder at the two of us.

            “Yes that sounds perfect.” Addison said with a hint of a smile returning to his face. He rocked back on the balls of his feet.

            “Yeah, before I explode.” I said towards no one in particular.

            “Let’s get out of here then.” Jackson grinned and began to walk again. This time faster and with a destination in mind.



© 2012 Tabitha t

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Added on November 18, 2012
Last Updated on November 18, 2012

The Blood Stone; Book One to the Essence Stone Series


Tabitha t
Tabitha t

Pigeon Forge, TN

I am 21. I am in a commited lesbian relationship. I am a novelist. still struggling. (obviously) The novel I am working on completing right now is totally consuming my tie and I love every minute .. more..
