Chapter Five: ( Hunters' Guild)

Chapter Five: ( Hunters' Guild)

A Chapter by Tabitha t

Chapter: 5 (The Hunters’ Guild)

Twenty minutes later, we were in a small private jet and thirty thousand feet in the air. I unbuckled my seatbelt when the seatbelt light turned off and sat there for a few moments. Ireland? Why? My mind raced.

I looked across the isle at Jackson who had just unbuckled him self as well and was flipping through a magazine.

“Why would Zavion take our parents to Ireland? What does he have some kind of evil genius lair there?” I asked sarcastically.

Jackson just rolled his eyes and said, “No, probably not. Who knows where he is and where he took them.”

I sat straight up in my seat. I was starting to get pretty pissed and I practically screamed at him.

“What?! Then why in hell are we going there? I thought you said we were going to go find them?!”

Jackson calmly closed his magazine and gave me a look that I knew he meant business.

Jackson took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.

“Calm down Maddy.” He said gently. “I’ll try to explain this whole mess a little better okay?”

I relaxed a little in my seat. Yeah I think you had better explain a hell of a lot before I have a heart attack! I don’t know how much more of this stress I could take; I was already on a first class ticket to a mental breakdown… literally.

Jackson waited for me to completely settle down into the overstuffed chair before he started to speak.

“Remember how I mentioned the hunter’s Guild? Well it’s in Ireland, and that’s why we are going there. To get answers and help in finding your parents.”

Addison who was sitting behind me stuck his head into the isle looking confused.

“But how do you even know it’s there? How do you even know it exists?”

I nodded in agreement. About time, Addison started using his head and actually thinking this whole thing through. The story Jackson told us was interesting sure but not the most believable story ever. I mean even if it did exists, and that is a big IF. How were we supposed to find it once we stepped off this plane?

“Okay,” Jackson cringed and sighed. “I know you guys are completely lost right now and I know I seem to be making no sense but I’m about to help you understand. I’ve been trying to avoid this for as long as I could because I know you both aren’t going to be happy about it.” He glanced over at Addison.

“Do you remember that sports camp I go to every summer?”

Addison grinned.

            “Sure, I beg to go every year. Mom and Dad never let me go.”

Jackson nodded as if he was speaking to a kid who finally had figured out a difficult math problem.

“Yeah! But the thing is I haven’t been going to a sports camp. I’ve been going to the guild in the summers to train.”

I sat up instantly. “What?! You’re serious? Why do you go there? How are you involved with that place? How are you involved with mom and dad disappearing? “

A million questions were flying out of my mouth and a million more questions were swirling in my mind. I shut up long enough for Jackson to give me a hard look and he continued.

“I know its going to take some convincing but I have been training to be your Guardian. I’ve been going to the guild every summer since I was ten.”

Guardian? My mind echoed. What would he have to protect us from? Up until today, we have had a perfectly normal life. Never been in danger or gotten into any kind of trouble, Besides, Jackson had said earlier that guardians were there to protect warriors of the essence stones.

As I thought the last sentence, the pieces began to fall into place. I looked slowly back up at Jackson’s face.

“Yes, Maddy I can see you are starting to get what I have been trying to tell you, and it’s all true. Every word. You and your brother are warriors and I am your guardian. Just like my parents were your mother and Father’s Guardians.  Our families have been bound together for a long time by a very old vow to protect and fight alongside the other. We are headed to the guild so you can get your parents back.”

Jackson stretched out his legs and put his arms behind his head like a pillow.

“Everything is going to be okay. I’ll fix this I swear. But it has been a long day. How about we all try to get some shut eye and we will talk about this when we get there?”

And with that, he clicked off his overhead light and closed his eyes. I was surprised to see that night had fallen without me even taking notice. I looked out my window and at the star filled night sky. Being so high up seemed to magnify all of the stars around me. I started to think about everything that happened today. I hoped my parents were okay. It was killing me to think about what Zavion was doing with my parents. I thought about my mother and how he had cut her, my stomach cringed. I hoped she was okay. I was upset with them for keeping all of these secrets from us and Jackson too, but right now, I just wanted them safe. How were we going to get them back?

I heard my brother snoring behind me and I frowned. There was no way I was going to fall asleep any time soon. Now until we got to the guild. Not until Mom and dad were home safe, and not until I apologized for what had happened that morning.

© 2012 Tabitha t

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Added on November 18, 2012
Last Updated on November 18, 2012

The Blood Stone; Book One to the Essence Stone Series


Tabitha t
Tabitha t

Pigeon Forge, TN

I am 21. I am in a commited lesbian relationship. I am a novelist. still struggling. (obviously) The novel I am working on completing right now is totally consuming my tie and I love every minute .. more..
