![]() Chapter 1 - GoodbyesA Chapter by EmmaLee SmithIt was a Saturday afternoon when my mother drove me to the airport. It was around 68 degrees outside, but in my opinion it couldn’t get any colder. I love the weather in Southern California, but I have to leave. I am moving in with my aunt in New York City for a couple years. I don’t want to leave my mother, but my aunt needs me to stay with her and help with her business. My mom didn’t want me to go, and I didn’t want to go either. “Lyra,” my mother pleaded “you don’t have to go” , you can stay here and we can make an excuse why to you cant go.”
“Mom I have to go and help her, and I think I might actually want to go.” I lied. I wasn’t really a very good liar, but these past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting better at it. I’m actually surprised that my mother would fall for the lie in the first place, I have been telling her I want to go for around 2 weeks now, so I suppose it‘s getting easier to believe each time I say it. I don’t like lying to my mother, but in this case it’s necessary.
She has been wanting to visit New Jersey for a couple of months because her boyfriend lives there. So this is that perfect opportunity. Her and my dad got a divorce when I was 6 years old. I don’t see my dad much, and I miss him. But I usually spend the summer with him in Florida, every year. However last year he got remarried to a woman who hates me. I don’t know why, but it’s fine cause I’m not very fond of her either. I don’t want to have to go and stay with her for like 3 months, so I’m using my aunt as an excuse not to go.
“Look mom, I will call you as soon as I land, so you know I’m alright.” I said. “I’ll miss you, I love you mom.”
I looked into her childish eyes, and I began to see how much this separation would hurt her. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, and began to feel them start to sting mine, as well. I fought back the urge to hug her and tell her I wanted to stay. I started to walk away from her, and then I made the mistake of turning back to catch one more glimpse of her, to carry with me through this long alienation.
“Oh, mom I’m so sorry.” I choked. “I love you, and I’ll be back before you really notice I’m gone.”
“I love you Lyra.” she sobbed into my hair as she pulled me in for a goodbye hug. I gently pulled away after a moment, and kissed her on the cheek.
“Bye, mom” I choked before turning and boarding my plane.
After I landed in the airport I began to feel the panic set in as I looked around, but did not see, my aunt. I looked in the waiting area. And the bathrooms, but she was nowhere to be found. I started to form a plan inside my head of what to do if I couldn’t find her, should I try to find where she lives? Or should I just go home? When two words broke my reverie.
“Hello, Lyra.” said a soft, reassuring voice. I spun around to see a beautiful, dark haired boy standing behind me. He looked like he was around my age, maybe 15 or 16 years old.
“Umm.” I was at a total loss for words. “W-who are you?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. My name is Dean Cain.” he apologized in a polite tone. “You’re aunt sent me here to pick you up.”
“Oh.” For a moment all I could do was stare at him like an idiot. After a few seconds a wide, lopsided grin spread across his face. It took my breath away. He put a hand on my shoulder and started to guide me through the crowded airport. I didn’t know why, but as soon as his hand touched me my heart skipped a beat, and then went into overdrive.
“I’m sorry, but how did you know I was Lyra?” I regretted saying the words as soon as they were out, but it was already too late to take them back.
“You’re aunt Sharon showed me a picture of you. And then told me to pick you up here.”
“How do you know my aunt Sharon?” Again I regretted saying it as soon as it was out. He laughed a soft laugh and then looked down at me.
“I work for her, in her store.” He answered. “Not the best job, but it still helps out.”
“Oh. Okay.” I couldn’t look away from his face. He looked like someone somebody would picture an angel to look like. I was completely overreacting, I mean I didn’t even know him. But I just stared at his face until he looked down at me, and I looked away. Embarrassed, I watched my feet the rest of the way to his car. I didn’t know much about cars, but I did know this car was definitely old. It was an odd faded red color with rust on the sides. It looked like it was in need for a serious paintjob.
He took his hand off my shoulder, and walked me around to the passenger side of the car. He opened my door for me and then shut it after I got in. No boy had ever opened a door for me before, accept for that occasional time my dad would try to be a gentleman.
He got in on the driver’s side, and turned on the car. It was very loud and kind of sounded like it was choking at first, but then the loud roar turned into a not-quite low purr. We road in silence for about 10 minutes, when he turned to look at me.
“Why are you here this summer?” he asked in a casual tone. But I could hear something else in it that I couldn’t really make out. Was it interest. . . curiosity. . . eagerness? I couldn’t tell.
“I, umm. I’m supposed to help Sharon in the store for a while. She was telling my mom she needed help in it, and I offered to do the honors. Although I don‘t really wanna be here.” I admitted.
“Well, why did you come if you didn’t wanna be here?” he asked. And I could now identify the slight tone to his voice was a mix between curiosity and interest. I didn’t know why, I had only met him just 15 minutes ago.
“My mom is going to move in with her boyfriend in New Jersey, and I didn’t want to go to my dads with his new wife. And I definitely didn’t wanna live in New Jersey with Ben.”
“Well, we’ll be there in about 10 seconds, so we can talk about this later.” He told me, “if you want to.” I just weakly nodded, with wide eyes. I heard a low chuckle and then I gasped as I caught sight of a small brick building with the front wall covered in glass windows. It was a small building, but it was also very antique looking. I looked through the window and saw Sharon standing there, at the front desk. I just barely saw her and Dean exchange a look, that I couldn’t quite understand, and then she turned to me and smiled.
I stepped out of the car and walked to the trunk to get my suitcase. I didn’t bring all of my clothes because I was only to be here for a couple months.
“Here let me carry that for you.” I looked up to see Dean smiling down at me. It took me a second to realized I had stopped breathing.
“Umm, thanks” I replied. Embarrassed, I looked away and started walking towards the door of the little book store. Dean caught up to me and pulled open the glass door in front of us. He was such a gentleman, and I was not used to it. Sharon ran up to me and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back and I realized how much I had missed her since she moved away, 5 years ago.
“My, my. Lyra Alex Jones, you have grown so much since I last saw you.” she sighed. “I truly have missed you.”
“Sharon, I’m going to show Lyra her room upstairs if you don’t mind?” Dean asked. I saw something flicker in Sharon’s eyes, but then she nodded. Dean turned, and walked through the doorway, behind the counter. Obediently, I followed.
“Dean?” I said when I reached the top of the staircase. The walls were painted a dull beige color, and I could see the she lived up here, and now. . . so did I. I suppressed the urge to sigh and then heard a low thud from the room across the narrow hall. I walked slowly and cautiously to the room, and saw Dean setting my stuff down on the floor. The walls were a very light yellow color, the bed was a dark mahogany, and so was the dresser. There was wood floors, which I had always loved. I realized with a sudden jolt of intuition that this was my room, the place where I would be staying for a couple years. The thought of not seeing my mother for that long was almost nauseating.
“Here is your room. Me and Sharon will be downstairs if you need anything. Oh and you start school tomorrow at 7:00am.” He added the last part with a smile that looked almost smug.
“Okay, then. See you tomorrow.” I said in, what I wanted to be, a matter-of-fact tone. However it came out sounding breathless. Ugh, why was I acting so…..so…..I couldn’t even find a word for it. I walked over to the corner of my (new) room, and sat down on my bed. Looking up to see if Dean had left yet, he looked back and, I swear, he winked at me with a cocky lopsided smile. I felt my face get hot, and I knew it had turned a bright shade of red. Only when I reached up to cover my mouth with my hand did I realize my mouth was hanging wide open.
Totally embarrassed I tried to smile back at him, but I couldn’t find the muscles in my lips. Chuckling softly, he left the room. I could hear his light footsteps on the stairs leading to the shop.
Wanting to curl up into a ball and hide under a rock, I started to unpack my clothes.
Was that a flirty smile, or was he just being friendly? If he was interested, was I? And what was with him and my aunt sharing those occasional looks. These questions were flying through my head over and over.
What was I kidding? He’s not interested in me, he couldn’t be. I mean none of the guy’s at my old school ever asked me out, or even showed the slightest interest. Well, accept for in the third grade when a redheaded, freckled faced boy told me he liked me. I think his name was Adam, but I’m not sure.
I was wiped out from the plane ride, and was already stressing about school. I was starting school at Chaffton High School tomorrow, and was totally scared. I mean come on, I am a average height, olive skin toned, dark brown haired girl. And from all the people I saw walking on the sidewalk here, looked really pale, and almost all had fare hair. I remember thinking to myself you’re totally going to stand out, good luck ever fitting in.
But, what the hell, I had to face my new world someday, right? Then, with those thoughts going through my head I drifted into a deep unconsciousness.
© 2009 EmmaLee SmithAuthor's Note
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Added on November 7, 2009Last Updated on November 7, 2009 Author![]() EmmaLee SmithCarrollton, OHAboutI'm a 14 year old writer. I actually have writer block right now, so I really don't know what else to say lol. oh, but i will say that I like to write like teenagers. because then it's easier for them.. more..Writing