A Poem by Sylvia Chika



If only they could hear her scream, “Help me!

The chaos all around her was loud yet quiet

Her loved ones kept screaming at the doctors

The doctors kept whispering to the nurses

The nurses continued to shake their heads and this seemed to annoy her loved ones

The feel of her husband’s tears dripping on her dry cheek made her long for the life that was gradually slipping away

She was fighting for her life

Her breath was seizing

The silence was getting even quieter

The calmness was sweet yet wrong

Her eyes were still wide open

She could see it all

She could smell the pungent smell of the hospital

The bright lights stung her eyes

And the white tiles made her feel strange

The nurses seemed upset now

They were pointing at a door

The sign on the door read, “Cashier”

Why were they pointing at that door?

Was the Cashier going to be her Superhero?

Was the Cashier her Sweet Doctor of Healing?

Was the door a miracle door?

If only they knew how close she was to the white light

The hospital lights weren’t the only lights stinging her eyes

There was a stronger source of light

Bright but hazy

Her strength was gradually slipping away

She tried to say something but the words won’t form

Her lips trembled but still, “no words”

Her husband squeezed her right hand and muttered something in pain

She could feel the pain in his brown eyes pierce her heart like a sword

Oh she loved this man!

She truly loved him

And she cherished their fruit

The little being in her round belly

Her mother ran towards that door and came out shortly in frustration

She could see the sorrow in her mother’s eyes

The nurses had stopped pointing

The doctors were nowhere to be found

Something seemed wrong

The nurses slowly left her side in turns

Her husband was now crying like a helpless child

He was dramatically tearing his shirt and running around

He was enraged and she wondered why

The light in her eyes were now blinding her

But mysteriously she could see nothingness

She could no longer see anyone

No loved one

No door

No tiles

No nurses

No doctors


Strangely but amazingly her breath was nonexistent

And then she felt like she was falling

And her eyes opened again

But this time around she could move

So she rolled off the stretcher

But she felt no pain on hitting the ground

She looked around and saw her mother holding a pink bag with money in it

As her husband threw the notes at the nurses in frustration

His eyes were red and he cried bitterly

He suddenly ran out of the hospital

And she ran after him

The doors hit her but she felt nothing

It was like she was floating

He fell on his knees and wept hard

She stooped to comfort him but couldn’t

She couldn’t hold him

Her hands went through his sorrowed being

Then the truth hit her hard

She was no more

By Sylvia Chika


© SylviaChika 2012

© 2015 Sylvia Chika

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Added on December 4, 2015
Last Updated on December 4, 2015


Sylvia Chika
Sylvia Chika


God-lover/Writer (Songs, Screenplays, Poems, Articles etc.)/Blogger/Woman in Tech/Teacher more..


A Poem by Sylvia Chika