This Life of Mine

This Life of Mine

A Poem by Lisa Parks

P1: Childhood
This is when I was
5 years old...
I had no idea what was
going on at that age.
I didn't understand.
Why were they hitting us?
Did we do something wrong?
Why is this lady who says 
she's our mother but 
she doesn't act like it?
I remember the one night
she left me and my brother
home alone while she went to
the store.
She said she was going to be
20 minutes.
She came back a few
hours later.
Who the hell in the right
mind do that to their own
We were scared to death
We kept hearing the furnace
down in the basement making
a lot of noise.
I remember  going to 
the next door neighbor's house
and getting hit over the bum
with the belt.
And that my brother gave
my grandpa the finger.
And he also tried to jump out
of the bathroom window.
He said he wanted to fly
like a bird.
And he also set the lamp on
fire in the living room.
He said he found the lighter 
laying around somewhere.
I remember also we
went through the fridge and
got in trouble for it.
But we were starving and she 
wasn't making us anything to eat.
So we were looking for something to
I remember also that when 
I fell down the basement stairs
My mom at that time wasnt
around to grab me.
But we had a neighbor on the
street we were living on and she
worked for social services. So she
ended up calling on my mom.
So they were on her tail like
But it was getting so bad
that they had to remove us
from our mothers care.
They put us into the Parks
Which I had a hard time
adjusting to.
My birth mom had visitations 
with us.
But then she stopped coming
to see us.
Why? I have no idea why,
But coming into the Parks
family was a wonderful feeling
that I had.
I feel loved, taken care of, like
a family should do with each
My adopted mom took us on
really cool vacations, that we
would never had if we had
stayed with our birth mother.
I went to school. But I got
bullied when I was in 
I switched schools twice.
Teen Years

My teen years wasn't
that great either.
I kept running away and
doing some stupid things.
At the age of 15 my adopted 
mom died of cancer.
I was heartbroken.
I really cried at her wake and
I really cried at her funeral
No one else showed any kind 
of emotions.
I'm like....seriously, why is no one
else crying?
But anyways, she died and 
my life started going to hell.
After she died, my adopted dad
started to molest me.
He did that for a year and 
also he made me be a wife/mother 
role model for him and my brothers.
Then I went and told 
my friend.
Then eventually told the
police about it.
They tried to call a family
member but no such luck.
So in the end, I ended up .
going to a shelter at the age
of 17.
I was really scared of going
there because I have not been
in one before at least not till
I was a kid.
I was moving around a bit.
Switched high schools too.
My dad only got a slap on 
the wrist.
But anyways I had learned
how to be alone for awhile
and came my own best 
I've had a couple relationships
but they were all abusive.
So now I'm single and 
I like it that way.
I also found my birth mom
and she hasn't changed a
So now I go visit my real 
mom at the cemetery.
And that is my story.
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© 2018 Lisa Parks

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Added on June 24, 2018
Last Updated on June 24, 2018