Spongebob and Hitler

Spongebob and Hitler

A Story by Sarah Wlochal

Some people think that Spongebob is a pillar of the community, but what they don't know is that he leads a secret life and is really a bad influence. Not much was known about the childhood of Spongebob except that he was a troublemaker and would play cruel jokes on blacks, homosexuals, and the homeless. As a young adult he became known as Spongebob Neo-Nazi Pants and became a part of a group that was inspired by Hitler and his Nazis. Spongebob made frequent and ferocious attacks. After the Racial Holy War ended Spongebob got a job at the Krusty Krab in Bikini bottom but still went on with his secret life making him look like a good person. As an adult nobody knew that he had a dark side and would still make himself out to be influential. 
              As a young child of 10, Spongebob did many things that endeared him to the Bikini Bottom Community. He would help elderly people cross the street, catch jellyfish and set them free and he would run errands for his neighbors to help them in any way that he could. Spongebob was very kind and polite. His parents were always very proud of him and would reward him with chocolate. What his parents didn't know was that Spongebob had a strange, demented mind. In Episode 10, Spongebob was shown as a young child throwing sea rocks at homeless people and injuring them to the point where they either couldn't walk or see. Spongebob was finally caught and taken to Juvenile Court, where he was placed on probation. 
             During Spongebob's high school years the community began to grow more diverse. Spongebob took drivers ed from his teacher Mrs. Puff who was of a Gypsy heritage. Spongebob would driver erratically to scare her by surprise. Spongebob would crash the car every time on purpose and Mrs. Puff was always sent to the hospital with injuries. when Spongebob would come upon a homeless person sleeping, he would thrown seashells at them or karate chop them when nobody was around to catch him. In Episode 15, a black family moved into the neighborhood and Spongebob would sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and spray their house with racial slurs. He was caught one night when the family came home and they called the police. Spongebob was now under strict rules and warned that if he did that again he would spend time in jail.
            As an adult Spongebob continued to be polite and helpful to the white community of Bikini Bottom and many regarded him as a pillar of the community. They did not know that Spongebob had this other darker side to him, nor did they know that he joined a Neo-Nazi group that was responsible for the recent racial tension and violence in Bikini Bottom. They say that you grow wiser with age, but Spongebob never learned his lessons and kept on doing what he always did best, which was to hurt his enemies and put on a mask so that nobody would know that it was him committing the crimes. 
           In the beginning of Spongebob's childhood it seems that he would grow up to be a good, influential person who would do anything for anybody. As Spongebob grew older and got into the wrong groups he changed dramatically in what he thought of people. Spongebob may be a kind hearted person on T.V. but don't let that fool you. One cannot judge a book by it's cover. Spongebob is a Neo-Nazi influenced by Hitler and should not have a T.V. show that is watched by children. I urge parents to research his past and be informed about the activities that he was involved with which promotes prejudice in subtle ways to our children.  

© 2011 Sarah Wlochal

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That was a really funny and interesting take on Spongebob! I enjoyed reading it a lot :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 25, 2011
Last Updated on July 25, 2011


Sarah Wlochal
Sarah Wlochal

Platteville, WI

I was on this website a while back but have updated a lot of things since then. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin Platteville studying elementary education. I have a boyf.. more..
