The Life of a Teacher

The Life of a Teacher

A Story by Sarah Wlochal

“Look for an occupation that you like, and you will not need to labor for a single day in your life.” This famous quote said by the Chinese philosopher named Confucius means that you should find a job that you enjoy and then you will never feel like you work because you love what your life of work consists of. Life ends too shortly, so work with what you love and live with no regrets.
Becoming a teacher you experience many joys and much stress. People become teachers for many reasons but the most importantly they want to help children learn and grow. Many people look down on teachers and say that teachers waste their time and studied for the worst job in the world. Well I must say not! Teachers shape children into the next generation to come. Teachers work the most important job in the world and they change lives.
I always grew up to know that you must find what you want to accomplish with life. My mom like all moms always asked me what I wanted to succeed in when I grew up, and every time I said teacher. I knew right from the beginning that becoming a teacher would be something that I could do with my life that I would enjoy. I always got taught by wonderful, inspirational teachers in my life and it stands in my best interest to teach how they taught. Becoming a teacher has personal meaning to me. Becoming a teacher is one of the best and most important jobs that anybody could have.
Teachers make the least money but they would never trade their job for anything in the world. For all of the hard work that teachers accomplish in their career they get nothing in return besides to see the joy and excitement in a child’s face when they paint a picture or solve a problem. I will become a teacher for the love of the job not the money and my boyfriend always tells me to drop out of school because teachers make little money. I told him he could support us our whole life then and he quieted down. When it comes to the subject of teachers and children I stand my ground. Very few people out in the world would sacrifice material things for themselves so that they can teach.
Changing kids lives takes big step for a lot of people and most people refuse to take the risk of messing something up. Anybody who wants to work with children need encouragement and support that they will succeed wonderfully with the lives of children. In changing the life of a child you will always experience risks but you must look beyond those risks and see the bigger picture of what you could change in a positive way for one child's life. A teacher never knows the home life of a child therefore it becomes most important that any child comes to school and feels secure within their environment. I feel the need to stay with children because you never know what kind of care they get at the end of the day. If the children experience wonderful teachers starting early on, they might get a whole new perspective of life and what it feels like to live a fun life and learn at the same time. Children should never seem pressured though. If you pressure a child then the child will back away even more.
I always believe in the creative arts of the children. All children were born geniuses and they deserve the credit that many will never get. Children should get messy and interact with a variety of things. I believe that children should learn to make their own play dough and other art recipes. The children will enjoy the creative process in making different things. The process matters, not the product. Never make a model for a child, that can ruin the creativity of children. When children color or paint let them decide what they want to make with it. If you set an example of what you would draw then children will copy the teacher and they will not learn about the experience for themselves.
As I stated my point, a teacher works for one of the most important jobs in the world. I will not say that everybody should go out and become a teacher just because I want that in life. Everybody should find what they love and never let it go. Walk out into the world and find something that you would enjoy to spend everyday of your life with because then you will never feel overwhelmed with the job that you choose. Enjoy life as much as you can because it will not last forever. Teach your children different things early on so that they can go out into the world someday and they will know better of what they want to make of themselves.

© 2011 Sarah Wlochal

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Added on July 25, 2011
Last Updated on July 25, 2011


Sarah Wlochal
Sarah Wlochal

Platteville, WI

I was on this website a while back but have updated a lot of things since then. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin Platteville studying elementary education. I have a boyf.. more..
