Faith Statement

Faith Statement

A Story by Sarah Wlochal

"Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one. So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air, but I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified." I Corinthians 9:24-27
            This Bible passage has special meaning to me because I compete as a cross-country runner. As a runner in a competition there is a lot of energy, tension, concentration and hard effort put forth into keeping my eye on the prize which is to come into the finish line as a winner or at least to try and beat my last time. If I get distracted I lose my way and maybe never finish the race. I have to have a lot of self-control in making sure that I make the right choices each day with the food that I eat so that my body stays healthy, and I have to discipline myself to run on a daily basis. 
           I compare the Bible passage to my running in a spiritual way. I try to stay focused on the prize, which is God. In order to help me do this I pray, I go to church on Sunday and participate with my Christian community. I read the Bible. All of this helps me to stay spiritually healthy. If I do not do these things I could easily get distracted and lose my way. My imperishable wreath  is eternal life with God. 
          I believe in Baptism I am created anew. The water and the Word are connected by Baptism. I need water to live just like I need the Word of God to live my spiritual life. We cannot be baptized without the Word of God. In Baptism my sins are washed away. Baptism is a gift from God in which God tells me that God forgives my sins and promises eternal life with God. 
         I believe that God protects me from evil and provides me with the necessities that I need in order to live a rich spiritual life. I believe that Jesus has freed me from sin and Satan, not with money or gold, but with His precious Holy Blood. I believe that when I was baptized I was assured that all of my sins were forgiven and I became a part of my Christian family.
       I will live my life serving God and praising God's Holy name. I thank God for God's gift of life to me. I thanks God for giving me the tools to win the race. 

© 2011 Sarah Wlochal

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Added on July 25, 2011
Last Updated on July 25, 2011


Sarah Wlochal
Sarah Wlochal

Platteville, WI

I was on this website a while back but have updated a lot of things since then. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin Platteville studying elementary education. I have a boyf.. more..
