The Eye of Nīrina

The Eye of Nīrina

A Chapter by A.E. VanSell

Sanna, Śarat and Suruli stood a short distance from the strange woman.

What do you think is wrong with her? Śarat said through their minds.

Suruli and Sanna shared a glance, all three of them were concerned for the sanity of this woman, but none wanted her to become alarmed so they communicated silently, being sure to exclude their thoughts from Kendra.

She believes she is human, Suruli said. That is not possible.

She does not smell like a dragon, Sanna said. If she is not a dragon, or a human...what is she?

What do you think Scotland is? Śarat asked.

They both shrugged. Perhaps it is where she believes she is from. Sanna said, fiddling with his blood knife.

Suruli sighed and shook her head. She has lost her mind, Sanna. Only Nisvārtha can help her now.

And if he can't? Sanna's slit yellow eyes met her wide brown ones.

She will have a place in the clan. Śarat said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Clan Maretu has never turned a soul away, that is Truth.

Sanna looked at the golden haired woman who sat eating, oblivious to her situation. She wore strange clothes and her eyes were unlike any he had seen.

They traveled on foot toward home, assuming that Kendra was not ready for their methods of travel. It took a few hours before they reached the edge of the trees, following the river until it met with a lake. It was known as The Eye of Nīrina, the only lake in Avondale and in its middle, a small island. That was their destination.

Sanna felt Kendra's eyes on him as he summoned their way to cross the lake. He slapped the surface of the water three times and then let out a piercing whistle that echoed with the ripples that spread in its wake. All three dragons watched Kendra's expression as her golden eyes stayed fixed on the water.

The dark water moved as a creature rose from the depths, and a sleek silver head broke the surface. Two mother of pearl horns curved from her temple, and blue dorsal fins trailed down her spine like an angelfish. Almost halfway down the length of her body, fins of the same blue acted almost like flippers as she pulled herself onto the land, craning her head to look down at the four companions, her large blue eyes narrowed skeptically.

"The Loch Ness." Kendra gasped, her eyes wide with shock awe, and stepped back from the serpent.

What is this? Her voice slid into all four of their minds and Kendra winced, rubbing at her temples.

"Havala, we found her in the Silver Tower," Suruli said. "She needs Nisvārtha's help."

Havala looked long and hard at Kendra, who bravely stood her ground before the serpent.

Very well, climb on. And Havala lowered her thick body to the ground for them to mount.

"We�"we aren't riding that thing are we?" Kendra stuttered in fear.

Sanna looked at her as Havala bared her sharp teeth in a snarl.

You have a problem riding me, Fledgling? Then get across on your own, I do not give rides lightly.

Kendra winced and covered her ears. "Please stop! Fine, I'll get on, just stop talking."

Sanna took her arm. "Are you alright?" He seemed to be asking that of her a lot.

She looked at him with her big golden eyes. "Her voice hurts my head."

Suruli patted her shoulder. "It is alright, Kendra, you will get used to it,” and Suruli vaulted onto Havala’s back like a monkey. Śarat just smiled, standing back from Havala as Sanna got on, pulling Kendra up to sit behind him.

"Are you coming?" Kendra asked.

The green eyed wyrm shook her head, "My kind does not do well in water." Śarat said with a grin. "I will meet you over there."

With that Havala returned to the water, her giant body gliding over the surface like a snake. The ride was very smooth but Kendra held onto Sanna tight around his waist, fear pounding in her blood.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream, it's just a dream, it's just a dream..." Kendra was chanting over and over like a mantra.

A light chuckle slid through their minds. Sorry to say this, Fledgling, Havala said, but you are not dreaming, this is quite real.

Kendra shook her head in panic. "No. No, it's not real. It's bloody impossible! And why do you keep calling me fledgling?"

That is what you are is it not? Havala replied haughtily.

Kendra scowled. "No, I’m a human! Obviously!"

Pah! There are no humans here, foolish child. If anything were to be impossible here in Avondale, the presence of humans would be near the top of the list.

"She is right, Kendra." Sanna said. "Humans have never set foot in Avondale, and they never will, it is impossible."

Kendra just huffed. "It doesn't matter, you're all a figment of my imagination. I'm probably in a coma right now at home, in Scotland." She said with a glare at Sanna.

Well, I'm sure Scotland is wonderful dear. Havala said sarcastically. It must be filled with lovely "humans" like yourself, right?

"Yes, of course." Kendra said.

Well, then I must say you sound stark raving mad. Havala snorted.

"I'm not mad!" Kendra screamed in fury.

"How about we let Nisvārtha decide that?" Suruli suggested softly.

Kendra glared at the phoenix. "Who the bloody hell is Nisvārtha and what business has he in deciding my mental state?"

Suruli didn't reply.

You will see soon enough, Fledgling.

© 2017 A.E. VanSell

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Added on January 19, 2017
Last Updated on January 19, 2017