Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

A Story by suuyuwriteyunu

written in 2018 (4th grade)



Grade 4F

20 September 2018

---------- Abraham Lincoln ----------

Imagine if you had a very bad leader for your country, how would you feel? Luckily, I am going to write about a good leader. Abraham Lincoln is a good leader. He helped his country a lot. We all know that, Abraham Lincoln is the 16th president of America. Lots of people liked him. Lincoln is a brave, responsible, and empathic leader. Abraham Lincoln is a good leader. 

First of all, Abraham Lincoln is a good leader because he is very brave. In 1863, Lincoln stopped the Civil War by defeating south United States. According to History.com, they said, “Abraham Lincoln is a self taught lawyer.” He stood up and he stopped the war to save his country. If he was not brave, nothing I wrote in here would have happened. Lincoln was one of the bravest men who has ever lived.

Also, Lincoln is a responsible man. Lincoln is responsible because he helped his country, but not destroying it. For example, Lincoln need to earn money to keep his country alive. What he says he will do or change, he always finishes it. He is responsible for every person in that country. According to Abraham Lincoln he said, “ You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." This shows that Abraham Lincoln really is responsible. Responsible for his country and his family.

My final reason is, Lincoln has empathy. Lincoln thought being a slave was unfair to the slaves, so he freed the slaves by signing the Emancipation Proclamation. The slaves were so excited and happy. He also signed  Emancipation Proclamation to give the poor people land to live on and off of. He also helped people that are in danger. This shows that Abraham Lincoln is a very good leader and a president. According to Abraham Lincoln, he said that, “To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own.” This shows that he is also caring.

Lincoln has lots of bravery. Some people think he is the bravest man that ever lived. He is really responsible. He does what he says he will do, and also on time. He is empathic. He is a leader that has a caring heart. You now should agree with me that Abraham Lincoln is a good leader, and take action to be like him!

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© 2024 suuyuwriteyunu

Author's Note

written: Sep 2018

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Yes, Lincoln was brave. He knew some people would not like him for the positions he took, but he stayed the course anyway. It cost him his life, but he was willing to take that risk. That's what made him a great man.

Posted 1 Week Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 10, 2024
Last Updated on October 10, 2024
Tags: president, leader, essay, persuasive




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