Poem for "Our Nathan"

Poem for "Our Nathan"

A Poem by Ambrosia

This was written after a meeting with a man who was so handsome I fell in lust for him for years. He never knew it.



 I don't know how to tell you

  It's almost been a year

  That this occurred, you never knew

  Now telling you, I fear


                    I won't forget that winter night

  It's etched inside my mind

  Your hair, your eyes, your smile bright

  I thought I would go blind


  I kept my cool and did not move

  'Continued on with talking

  'Cause what I felt I could not prove

                                       (Oh please, just keep on walking!)


  But you walked up and said hello

  And joined our conversation

  My voice picked up, my eyes a glow

  Surprised by my sensation


  My mind was gone, you'd never know

  At all by my composure

  I smiled nice, continued so

  I would not bear exposure


  Your sapphire eyes, they sparkled bright

  They burned with icy fire

                                       They twinkled softly in my sight

  Igniting my desire


  I had to leave, I could not stand

  To feel you there beside me

  Though unaware and so unplanned

  Was it a fantasy?


  How could it be that you became

  So special in one night?

  How did you get inside my brain

  Through simple talk and sight?


  There in bed I could recall

                                       It all just word by word

  And trying to see why I saw

  Oh god! I am absurd!


  Toss and turn, then drift awhile

                                       I hear your voice it seems

  I turned to look and see your smile

  You're there inside my dreams

© 2010 Ambrosia

Author's Note

Poem written for my obsession......may he find love and lust in his life. Kisses Aaron.

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great emotions and feelings well brought out...... nice poem, lovely to read....

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wooo! You should have told him how you felt. I'm curious why you didn't? I love your emotions in this poem, they're something we've all felt.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I can't get the margins to line up - sorry.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2010
Last Updated on February 5, 2010
Tags: love, admiration, lust, dreams, fantasy



Dallas, TX

I am a myriad of people. Like a multifaceted gem, I sparkle in direct light, reflect when gazed upon and display a rainbow when allowed to shine. more..

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