In the midst of winter, springtime finds me as I read your poem today. I feel warm sunlight and float on the sweetest scents that surround me. Your pome is beautiful. It always amazes me how people can paint with words and create such beautiful portraits and landscapes. Really nice Susan
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 Year Ago
Oops! Missed your wonderful review!! Thank you Will!😊
Your poem has multiple meanings . . . this could be about a lover who's distant or one that's no longer living . . . mosaic of blue (great art) symbolizes "holding the pieces together" while feeling blue, an image packed with meaning. Such a well-crafted central idea, it drives the rest of your poem strongly (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Awww Thank you Margie for yet again a lovely review!
This is wonderful, and daydreams are too. What would life be without them.
There are a few poets on this site that are truly great. You are one of them.
The thing that's so nice about free style is, it doesn't have to be quite so structured. I am not a very structured person, more chaotic, I am.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
OMGoodness! Thank you for such a great review!! I really do appreciate it! This a a rare free verse .. read moreOMGoodness! Thank you for such a great review!! I really do appreciate it! This a a rare free verse from me...I am quite happy you enjoyed it :-)
dear Susan... it seems like a Brahms Lullaby for Lovers.
Perhaps sailing on the Ocean blue where Seagulls dance freely.
You have captured the chimes when the wind blows delicately
where blue petals float endlessly on the melodies of sweet love
touching the heart strings of violins. truly, Pat
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
What a lovely review!!! Thank you kindly for taking the time to read. I do appreciate it :-)
what a lovely read gently romantic to the max .. only in a day dream eh!? but i do recall a time of youth that knew such a thing existed ;) and though the dreaming must come back to earth sooner or later .. i would not trade off the experience for anything ... as rock hard as reality is ... and set against a mosaic of blues is dynamite says i ... i love it! blues born from pain and survival ... the mosaic hints of it .. as your dreamer has only just begun .. good on you for this free verse ;) the one word interludes and pausing breath ... nice read .. glad i did not miss it!
Your heart rings true You are a romantic for sure.there is an innocence about you that i find so sweet. The world is your oyster.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Tate!... ( apologies for such a late reply) I'm reading this review and just smiling... see? :-)))).. read moreTate!... ( apologies for such a late reply) I'm reading this review and just smiling... see? :-))))))))))))))))))