I'm pretty sure I've told you I'm usually not crazy about sonnets, but you do them better than anyone at the cafe! I love the lunar influence on this one, since I was graced with watching the full moon settle down behind the high ridge earlier this morning before it got light! Another thing I love about your message is how ethereal it feels . . . people separated by restrictions these days, so we must tune into the spirit of the other people we love & miss. Your poem conveys the way it feels to connect with someone thru the spiritual & also thru the ether. Happy New Year! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
so beautiful, Susan .. you are truly gifted to write your sonnets so well .. again you capture the elevation of this classic form in everyday language ... so well done .. am am swooning and drifting and dreaming of moments the create "Love's Longing Heart" ... so we sit in afterglow .. embracing La luna ... Bella luna! .. fold up in celestial breezes and pull up the verdant glen as coverlets .. and off to sleep .. i love this .. you are very good at it ma'am ... love and peace and flowers!
I love the poem. I like the way you use the language. You made the places and the thoughts come alive for the reader. A masterpiece of words Susan.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Well I'm just smiling here!!! I'm very pleased you enjoyed this. :-)
Quite artistic & worth reading poetry it is. Liked the way how extraordinarily has it been written with the generosity of words - highly vocab-ed, flourished & pretty much mesmerizing with such thoughtfulness. Must consider this as one of my fav. sonnets of the night it is, i guess. Looking forward to check our your latest stuffs, Susan.
Good seeing you still writing. Have at it. Keep up the great work, dearie one. Cheers.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Well thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed this Sonnet! Thank you for the review :-)
However you write, in whatever specific, you turn what could be formality into emotion. This is such a lovely sonnet, romantic, gently worded, and above everything, subtle. Phrases said, hints made, leaving the reader to think whatever.. whenever. xx
Posted 6 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
:-) Thank you so much for this lovely review!!! lol I tend to be a little emotional ;-)
5 Years Ago
Tis far better to be emotional than a giant piece of granite, Susan... x