![]() Chapter 1: First DayA Chapter by Susan14![]() this is the most boring chapter but i don't want to change it just bear with me and it does get better in the following chapters so don't worry![]()
Oh finally I was going to start high school. On one hand I was excited, meeting old friends from last year and making new ones this year. On the other hand, wasn't so happy leaving home, waking up so early in the morning, and not being able to write and just explore nature, you know that kind of things. It was only 6 in the morning and I was in my bathroom, looking into the mirror. Who was that girl there? She wasn't the same person from last year and everything. Was that really me? I had dark black hair that reached down to my hips. I was of course short for my age and to top that off I had dark chocolate brown eyes. I started to comb my hair out and just let it down instead of doing some kind of style. I was wearing dark black jeans and a shirt that had heart imprinted on it. Before I did anything else I woke my brother up, being careful not to wake my parents up today. Once he was in the bathroom, I wore my new black flip-flops, grabbed my sweater, grabbed my backpack and my purse and headed out the door.
I was waiting at the bus stop the sun was just raising, colors were everywhere. I noticed that I was the only one at the bus stop. The bus came a little while later. I took the first seat that I could find; I didn't want to look like an idiot looking for a seat. I found a smell lingering in the air, it was vanilla or cotton candy or even both, I didn't bother figuring it out. I just looked out the window, not caring who came onto the bus. I felt a presence next to me but I didn't bother looking at them. The school was in view now; I had butterflies in my stomach. I got off the bus when the person next to me was already gone. I was at the entrance now. Midpark High School, a fresh start, yeah that sounded right. First day of High school, here we go.
I went inside and followed everyone to the sports center where they were giving everyone new schedules. I got mine and then moved away, I was to one side of the gym. I felt so short compared to everyone here, the boys were so tall. I never fit in here. I have lived here for exactly one year and ten days since I moved to Middleburg Heights, OH from New Jersey. Just because I was from another state I didn't fit in, everything about me was different, even my eye color. No one here had the same color eyes I did. People had brown eyes but they weren't dark or the color of chocolate. After a while I spotted my friend from last year, I went up to her, coming up behind her, and grabbing her hands.
"Boo!" I tried to scare her, she was easily scared.
"Susan, you scared me." She said while she was half turned.
"How are you doing Kayla?" I asked.
"Fine, how about you." She replied back.
"Fine and may I add Happy late Birthday."
"Why thank you, same to you." She said. My friend got her schedule and we compared it with mine. We sadly had only one class together and that was sad indeed. We started to walk down the halls to try and find our lockers. I found mine first so then she left to go find hers. We would meet up in first period together. I opened my locker and it was really clean. That just saved me a cleanup. I put everything inside and got my notebook, my folder and my pencil case. I slammed it close and headed to my first period class which was apparently CPE, great science first thing in the morning. I walked into the class and there was only three tables left, all in the front so I just picked the one in the middle. Short time after I walked in Kayla came in and sat down next to me.
"So Kayla how was your summer. Surely it was better than mine." I asked.
"Well first of all I got braces, tithe worse part of summer. Then my family and I went on vacation to North Carolina. When we came back we celebrated my birthday and then two days later school starts. What did you do in summer vacation?" She asked.
"Well first of all we celebrated my dad's birthday and then we went to Columbus for Independence day. After we came back we went to New Jersey, spent around three weeks there. It was fun meeting old friends and cousins. Once we came back from that little vacation we celebrated my birthday and then got appointments for getting braces and then school started." School started there was a bad thing about that this year that means that I wouldn't be able to see the guy I liked anymore and I wouldn't have a chance with him.
"Wow that sounds exciting, you had a great vacation." She replied.
"Wow is right. Wow Kayla you look great, better than last year." Before I could say anything else class started and I couldn't say anymore. Neither could she and I could tell she had more to say she would tell me later on. I learned that my teacher's name was Mrs. Tucker. She was new to Midpark, just like the rest of us. She gave us our supply list for this class and her set of classroom rules. She explained a couple of things and then let us chats for the time being. The principal came over the intercom and told all freshmen to report to the main gym for a freshman class meeting. It was like we were robots because we all got up and started walking in a straight line towards what we thought was the main gym.
For the next 30 minutes we listened to the consulars about how freshman year will go for us. After that the bell rang and we were dismissed. I made it to 2nd period class just in time. Apparently second period was Math and also my homeroom. The lady's name was Mrs. Mac; she seems like a nice person. The first thing she did was assign us new seats. She gave us papers to get signed and her set of classroom rules. She talked about how things worked at Midpark and her classroom. She handed us our textbooks and then the bell rang.
I went straight to my locker looking forward to my next class which was English. English was a subject that I was good at. I walked into the class and took the first seat I saw. Like I didn't know anyone in this class either. The teacher looked very young to actually be a teacher, at first he looked like a student. His name was Mr. Allen. He said he was a fun teacher but I didn't believe it till I actually saw it happening. He also like all the other teachers gave out his set of classroom rules. We did a get to know you activity in his class and that was it. Soon the bell rang so I went to my locker. I wasn't so happy about my next class.
I had a terrifying scary class called Health. Health wasn't my favorite subject, let alone my strongest one. We were allowed to pick our own seats and that was the good thing. This was my one class that I was the only freshman in. My teacher, Mrs. Will, was short and blond haired person. The good thing about this class was that we didn't have to carry around heavy textbooks but we were assigned one. This day may be going by fast but it surely was the most boring day ever. It was becoming a routine, and somewhat annoying. The only thing that was different in this class was we had to take notes on mental health. There were around two minutes left till class ended, so she just let us talk. The bell rang and I was the first one to get out of that class.
I started toward my next class hoping I'll meet someone from last year this time. I have social studies this period, with someone named Mrs. Jambor. I was just sitting there in the dull white classroom when one of my friends walked in from last year.
"Alicia, is that really you?"
"Susan, it really is you. I've missed you. How have you been? Do you have lunch next period?"
"I do have lunch next period. I've been fine, how about you?"
"I'm been fine. I have lunch next period too. We can sit together. So what have you been up to?" She said
"Nothing much, how about you?"
"Nothing much." I wasn't able to say anything because the bell rang and the teacher walked in. Social Studies were my weakest subject in school. I was never able to past with an "A" in social studies last year in Middle School. She did the same, boring, stupid things that the other teachers had done. There was just something about this teacher that I was going to like, like maybe her class. We of course got classroom rules and then she gave us a paper of how to do "SOAPS" which I had done before. Afterwards she gave us overview questions that went along with the first chapter; they were due on the day of the test. The class period was over and it was time for lunch. My friend and I went to my locker than her's and then we went to lunch. We meet up with some of her really old friends which were very nice.
One was a short girl with blond, brownish hair and was very talky and looked like judgmental. The other girl was a little shorter, with puffy, curly, short, brown hair. Her name was Natalie, the other was Ashly. We found a table at the end of the lunchroom, while Alicia introduced us all. We ate our lunch in silence; we didn't know what to talk about. Sadly our dull lunch period was over and it was time for us to go back to classes.
I walked to my class, knowing that my locker was on the way. I made it to Spanish 2 with someone named Mr. DiCicco who was already giving assigned seats. Of course my seat was far enough from the door, towards the windows, and towards the middle; great the center of attention. I didn't know any friends, but I did know people in the class. I didn't want to be here, they said that this was the worst Spanish teacher at Midpark. He really didn't look bad; guess I can't judge him till I get to know him. As the rest of the class went by, he handed us his set of classroom rules. He read it thoroughly to us not wanting us to forget them at all. We got our textbooks and workbooks, which we had to bring everyday to class. He seemed like a strict man, that demanded many things from his students but he seemed like a nice person and teacher or was he. He made us copy our first assignment down from our textbooks, which was vocabulary one from chapter one. He said we were going to have a test on the words Friday. Let’s see, today was Tuesday, August 26, so I had three days to study it. The bell rang so it was time for my next class.
Finally it was nearing the end of the school day. My last class apparently was Biomedical Sciences. It was a new programs this year and it all dealed with the medical field; just perfect because I was planning to go into the medical field. I started to walk to the room, but when I got there, there was a sign that said biomedical science class’s periods nine and ten go directly to the library. I went to the library all excited for this class, just wondering who I'll meet and what I'll learn. I took a seat at a table away sort of from the other kids. I didn't get along with people I didn't know. All of a sudden, I set my eyes on the person walking into the library. A chill went down my spine, giving me goose bumps all over my hands. All the muscles in my body tightened up all at once. I never thought for once I'd meet him here in high school. This was a big high school. Apparently he was coming towards this class. His name was Canon; he had a twin brother that didn't look like him, but was never going to leave me alone. He sat one table away from me. The bell rang and class began. The teachers name was Mr. P, and he seemed more like the one that was on some kind of drugs, wait, I can't judge anyone before actually knowing them. He told us that we were going to come to the library for a couple of days because they were repairing the room. He gave us our first assignment and told us that we could work with only two more people if we wanted to. I didn't really have any friends in this class so I just started on the assignment all alone. I noticed the chair next to me move and someone sat down in it. They waited, I guessed, for me to notice them.
"Canon!" He was the last person I thought would be working with me on anything. Yeah we worked together last year but it was because we were partnered up together, which was fun.
"Susan, everyone already is working in groups of three and you're all alone, why don't we work together then."
"Sure I guess so." Yessssssssssssssssssssssss! I was screaming inside of me. This was a good ending to my first day of school.
"So how was your summer vacation and your birthday?" He was asking me, hey, wait a minute how did he know when my birthday was. Oh well he just knew and that was the best thing.
"Both were fine, how was yours Canon?" I didn't want it to seem like I wanted to know everything.
"Do you want us to finish this assignment or not?" As much as I wanted to talk to him, we had to finish our thing.
"Yeah." We wrote down everything and handed in the papers. I went back to my seat to start rewriting my book. I thought that he would just now go back to where his friends were and just talk to them, that's what his friends thought but that wasn't what happened. He got his things from where he had left them and came over to where I was standing. We had ten minutes left might as make the best of them.
"Why aren't you talking to your friends? They look sort of pissed."
"They'll live, plus you’re all alone and when I talk to you I feel better than ever."
"Is that supposed to be a complaint Canon?"
"I guess it was." He said looking at the clock.
"Thank you, that was really nice of you to say."
"You're welcome I guess." I quickly looked away, because I could tell that I was blushing; for the rest of the time being we just chatted and stuff. The bell rang and sadly it was time to go already. We went our separate ways, I went straight to my locker and got my things and headed out the door towards the buses. I got on and took the second seat, waiting for the bus to take off. When I looked who just got onto the bus, like I always do, I saw Canon getting on. He was standing next to my seat shocked just like me.
"You're on this bus too!" We both said at the same time.
"Wow this is amazing I actually know someone that I could talk to that on this bus." He was amazed and still standing.
"Do you want to sit with me? I don't think you're going to find another one till you get all the way to the back."
"Sure, thanks." Wow this was great. We took off then and we just chatted, till we got to my stop.
"Well this is my stop. I'll see you tomorrow, then." I had to say painfully.
"Yeah see you." He looked like it pained him to leave me just like it pained me. I wanted to talk to him, to be with him as long as I could. I was lonely and I needed someone or that's what my parents say about me. At home I started my homework, finished it and then my brother came home. His name was John, he was 12 years old, and was in 7th grade. I was reading my book while I started to think about him, wandering about what he was doing. Was he thinking about me the way I was thinking about him? It made me anxious not to be anywhere near him. It was eight p.m. so we ate dinner. I went to my room and keep reading my book. My book was so good that I wish that I could have that life. On the other hand, Canon had started to notice me so might as well be happy with what I have, be happy with god's gift. By the time I put my book down, it was ten, so I decided to go to bed. That was the first night I had dreamed of Canon.
© 2009 Susan14Reviews
6 Reviews Added on October 11, 2009 Last Updated on December 29, 2009 Previous Versions Author![]() Susan14Cleveland, OHAboutHi there everyone! My name is Rena, and I am writer just like all of you. My favorite books to read are mysterios, fanstay and romance. Such as the Twilight Series, Stalker and Septimus Heap series. I.. more..Writing